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With discreet steps, we walk to the entrance. Ned split ways to wait to be greeted by us. I stretch my hand to grab the metallic doorknob but some guys I think I recognize stumble beside us.

"Hey, man" one of the guys palms Peter on his shoulder "you don't have to go... basement is alone, you can go there with your girl, just lock the door" he smirks as he slurs and trips away from us

"Lets go..." he grabs my arms shoving me far from the house

Once outside we walk to the street and spot the division between Liz's house and the other. So we start entering the narrow space where music is already muffled. 

"Ok, we need to go there..." with a mutter he quickly embraces me and webs us up to a rooftop where we can see Liz's backyard overfilled with people.

"Ok, let's do this" Peter says unbuckling his pants "oh sorry, I'll turn"

"You have your suit down, it's ok" I squat admiring the view and the skyline New York has to offer today. From the corner of my eye, I see how he hastily removes his shoes and unbutton his plaid shirt. My loud gasp makes him turn to me as I stand up with a smile on my face.

"Oh, I love your shirt, Peter" How is that I haven't seen it before?" I whisper, bringing my hands to poke the inked logo of a simple triangle explaining Pythagoras Theorem "It's really cool"

"Ha, it's one my favorites too. I got it on a flea market, it's a little shaggy but it's cool.... hey... you didn't bring any outfit for you..."

"No problem... just watch" I grin at him and walk backwards placing my right hand on my blouse and the left on my jeans. My palms start emitting a dim glow and the fabric of both items start changing to black

Peter seems taken back but then lowers his head to see how I really manage to change the color "Tannie! That's.... whoa"

"So uh, what you'll say when you get down there?"

Peter crouches in the edge of the rooftop and sighs "Mmmm... you first"

I snort and sit beside him "Let's see... 'Hey Folks! Nice Party! Where's Peter? I need to thank him for the invite. Oh, cool hat pal!' " I chirp and Peter slowly nods "You next"

"Uhhhh... 'Hey, what's up? I'm Spider-Man. Just thought I'd swing by and say hello to my buddy Peter. Oh, what's up, Ned? Hey, where's Peter, anyways? He must be around...' " he mutters hunching forward "God, this is stupid. What am I doing?"  he whispers to himself 

"Hey, hey... if you don-"

But something stops me. A boom in the distance and a bright blue cloud emerging through the trees. I quickly stand up and Peter spins with me.

"What the hell?" I whisper and Peter takes my arm and harshly drags me across the roof

"Tannie, hold on to me!! Peter puts his mask and runs his arm around me and before I could process something else, he shoots his webs through trees, getting far away from the party, swinging down the street as if we are in a slingshot.

We land on a roof. Peter makes a flip that makes me shut my eyes, my stomach slightly churns while we land on the street in front of a golf course. I step ahead waiting for him to swing us but he shoots a web however it flies off because there's nothing to attach it to. I pull away from him and start running. Peter follows behind as we wheeze for the unexpected workout. Then a 'flick' makes me spin and a splash of water hits my face making me wince back at the cold sensation. 

"This sucks!" Peter gasps and stops when he sees we are getting close to where the explosion was. 

He rapidly extends his arm signaling me to hug him once again. He starts shooting his web and the swinging begins. The crisp air of the night is pinching my cheeks at the fast speed we're going.

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐖𝐞𝐛 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ⟿ Peter Parker FanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora