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The wooden door doesn't creak when I slowly open it, my head peeks inside the room, shafts of sunlight coming inside and I fully enter tiptoeing to the edge of the bed. One foot up then the other as I climb beside my target. A deep breath and I clear my throat.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANTHONY EDWARD STAAAAARK... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUUUU!!!" I begin belting on the song and jumping up and down on my parent's bed, their bodies shaking at the rhythm of my pace

"ugh... Did you just call me Edward? That hurts..." my dad mutters while rubbing his eyes for the sudden waking

"what...? Who is...?" my mom groans and turns to look at me with squinted eyes

I gently kick my dad on his back "Wake up sleeping beauty... is your birthday old man" 

"I'm not that old!" he exclaims rolling to his back to look at me 

"you're 47..." my mom murmurs fluttering her eyes at the ceiling

"go to sleep Pep" he states and I kick him again on his back

"I cook you breakfast!" I climb down from the bed and take one of the trays that hold a plate of fruit, a strawberry smoothie and scrambled eggs with bacon

I place it in the gap between my mom and dad. He sniffs and instantly sits upright snatching the glass of smoothie

"mmhhmm, nice!" he licks his lips and brings the glass to my mom "want some honey?"

"you're not seriously offering that" she sits upright leaning her back on the headboard

"right, right... why I always forget that?" my dad drinks the smoothie as I turn to the other ottoman

"I didn't forget about you mom" I bring another tray to her and her face lits up

"oh baby, you're the best... mango-pineapple, my favourite" she gratefully takes the tray and I sit on the edge of the bed looking at my dad

"so... what's the plan for today?"

He hesitates for some seconds concentrated in a bacon strip. His eyes dart to the bed cover as his brows knit together in deep thinking. I know what he's thinking though. This is the first birthday where he doesn't have his whole family together. Nat's free day of sarcastic remarks, Clint's thoughtful gifts like the one last year when he gave him a shower beer holder, or Steve's amazing idea to give my dad a bottle of 'the finest Vodka' all the way from Russia only for my dad to find out it was filled with water.

"I think that I'm gonna use the spa discounts Nat gave me last year and then we can just be here and not do anything... what do you say Pep?" my dad offers and my mom looks at him with curious eyes

"if you want to... then yes, I'll be here and yesterday I cleared my agenda so... I'm not doing anything" she adds and my eyes travel back and forth

"great, I'm very good at doing nothing so yes, go and have an exfoliation or a foot rub... I'll be here too"

We spend at least one hour talking and eating, once in a while stealing food from my dad's tray. With my mom's free schedule for today and my dad determined wish to go to the spa, it feels like an incredibly lazy day still with a little bit of nostalgia but anyway. My dad quickly kisses my mom and then thanks me once again for the breakfast taking the keys of his car and disappearing into the hall. I leave my mom to enjoy her sleep time as I stroll to the kitchen placing the dishes in the sink. Once done, I slump in the couch swapping through some channels until my phone starts vibrating announcing it's Peter and my cheeks rise with a broad smile.

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