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"oooh, this is harder than I thought"

"You want me to help you?

"No... no... I just need to get it straight"


"Ssssssss.... I think I did it... it's weird, ok? Don't freak out"

"No biggie, Parker. Show me your-"

"O-okaaay... voila!!"

It's not what I thought. 

It's actually... pretty. 

There's a rosy hue on top of my eyelids and highlighter on the tip of my nose and cheekbones as well. The eyeliner is subtle, yes... a little crooked but who I am to judge? I still struggle to get the line straight. But it's a great look. My lashes are way curly and look thicker with the mascara.

"What do you think?" Peter, who is creating a little circle with his legs and I'm inside of it, peeks his head to the side of the white handheld mirror in my hands "I think I can do it better"

"Yup. Keep going, my face is your canvas" I giggle and drop the mirror to my bed as I close my eyes again "What do you want to do next?"

"Mmmm... The eyes, I think they need more color... I'll take... this and this... oh! What about red and blue?"

I smile without opening my eyes "Spider-Man inspired makeup? Yes please... do it!"

His breathy and excited laugh appears in front of me and I start feeling the soft hair of the brush touching the upper part of my eyelid and maybe just a little higher to my brow "I think I'm an expert in blending..." he murmurs

"Then you should teach me... I never do complex things with those eyeshadows. That's why they look brand new"

"MJ doesn't know either?"

I try not to shake my head "Ha, we both are clueless about it. Her aunts gave her a set of makeup and she never uses it either... Youtube could be a solution but... the more I try the less I look like those girls"

"I'll make you even prettier than those girls... trust me" he whispers closer to my face and I sense how he blows several times to my eyelid and starts 'blending' whatever color he chose to put there "Hey, what about inviting MJ to a slumber party?" he mentions tilting my head to the other side

"With us?"

"No, no. Just you and her"

"Uh, I don't know... she's a little wary with the 'coming to my place' thing... I could ask but she'll probably say it's better to do it in her place which I don't mind, by the way"

"In my opinion, I think that a slumber party with another gir- woman? Girl? Teen? You know what I mean... it's going to be so much better than doing it with me, Peter Parker"

I giggle at his comment and slightly shift in my place, resting my hands on my crossed legs "What's wrong with Peter Parker?!"

"Nothing but... girls are different. One day May brought one of her friends from the office and they started talking about the men they work with..."

"So... you want me to talk about other men with MJ? Mmmgghhh, that's new!" I tease

"Nooooo! Or yes? I don't know, you are free- you are teasing me, Q.T.... what I mean is that you can talk about more intimate stuff or whatever, ranking boys or-"

"Wait?" I start laughing feeling how he pulls the brush away but I keep my eyes closed "Rank boys???? Come on, Parker. I can rank boys with you"

"Pfff, oh sure... let's rank boys..."

𝐎𝐮𝐫 𝐖𝐞𝐛 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ⟿ Peter Parker FanficWhere stories live. Discover now