Chapter 5

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I was fidgety while working today and the way Eva was eyeing me I know she will suspect something is wrong and I fear she might even call Amanda and tell her about this and Amanda would not seat still unless she gets the truth out of me and I don't want to burden her as she has went for a important fashion show.

Glancing at the clock time and again I was growing nervous about how I will answer Mama.

I kept on biting my nails and jumped on the place when there was a chiming of bell behind me.I turned around thinking it was Mama but sighed in   relief  when it was just some new customer.I went to the counter and greeted him.The boy was probably my age with blonde hair and hazel eyes.He was pretty handsome but I know someone more dangerously handsome who has not left my mind since yesterday.

"Hello welcome to Lia's Bookshop,how may I help you?"

He stared at me continuously making me nervous all of a sudden about his behaviour.
I cleared my throat and asked again
"Um Sir how may I help you?"
He snapped out of his thought and asked "Have we met before because I think I have seen you somewhere?"
I just shook my head in a no but now that I look at him fully I do see something familiar but can't recognize him.

"Are you Lia Matthews from Eagle West High School?"
I gasped about how does he know.
"Yes but how do you know?"
He came forward
"Its me Jake from your High School,we had few classes together and I was your seatmate.Remember?"

Now that he told me that I could recollect that tall lanky boy who would sit with me in the few classes but I was just a distant friend with him.Right now looking at him he isn't lanky anymore and has gotten few muscles with a lean body.That must be why I couldn't recognize him immmediately.

"Oh Jake Clarence from my history class right?I do remember you but couldn't recognize you right away."I said with a smile.

"The same one,I tried contacting you after high school but I guess you shifted or something."He said with his own grin on his face

And I thank god that I shifted and started my life anew because those days are something I would like to forget but cannot.

Snapping my attention back on Jake.
"Yeah actually I went to different college so...''
"Actually even I went to Germany for further studies but came back just a few months back and I must say you have gotten more beautiful"He said winking at me.

I all but blushed because it is rare to see someone compliment you.
"Um Thankyou and even you have changed in a goodway.I mean you look good"I said while averting my eyes.

Jake cleared his throat and continued "As much as I would like to chat with you and catch up I have to be somewhere and oh please order the book I told you"

"Ok sure you don't have to worry I'll try to get it deliver as soon as possible."I said with an assuring smile.

He started walking backward saying"Ok I'll see you whenever possible next time."

And as he was going backward he collided the bell above it and I guess it hitted his head pretty hard making me giggle because watching his oopsie expression was funny.

He just gave me an embarrased look and all but ran from the door.

Shaking my head I went to continue my work after few minutes Mama finally arrived and took her usual seat by window.

I stood up with clammy hands and sat in front of her where she immediately stood and hugged me.

"My Angel how are you"She asked with her motherly gaze.
"I am fine Mama don't worry about me,how are you and are you taking your pills?"I said trying to use a stern voice but failing miserably
"Dear you worry too much and yes I do take my pills"She said while taking a seat while sat at the opposite one like yesterday.

"You know right you don't have to feel forced about your answer or anything and if you want more time please take it and if you don't want to marry then just say no ,I won't feel bad and you have nothing to be worried about."Mama said while holding and hand and rubbing my palm.

I took a deep breath and nodded with a smile.I will take the chances life has to offer and I know the following words will bring many storms in my life but I will face it if it means helping someone save their life because it is a precious gift by God to us.

"Mama I-I will marry Mr.Stone"I said with shaky voice but everything flew out as soon as I saw tears of joy in Mama's eyes and her biggest smile.Every word was worth it.

Mama stood up and started kissing my cheeks and forhead.Chuckling she hugged me.
"Thankyou so so much my angel.You don't know how happy I am right now."

Seeing her grin I couldn't stop the smile and laugh coming from me.

Clapping her hand she said"I will soon arrange for you and Ezron to meet so that you both can know each other."

Suddenly a thought came in my mind does Mr.Stone knows about this and has he agreed for this.

"Mama is Mr.Stone aware about this.Did he agree for this?"I asked

Her mood got damp
"Yes my angel but he is still not wanting to marry but don't worry I know he will not disagree to this."

She took her bag and turned to me
"I will go to the mansion and talk to Ezron about this and take care of your self."She bidded goodbye and closed the door behind her.

As it was already close to evening I decided to close the shop for today.I asked Eva to pack and clean up everything while I arrange the chairs and after few minutes I closed the door and had just started walking towards the bus stop when there was a ringing of my phone.Looking at caller ID it seems to be from some landline number.

Picking up the phone
"Hello"I greeted
"Hello,Is this Lia Matthews?"She asked
I answered with confused tone.
"Yes,who is this?"
"I am Jane calling from City hospital.Mrs.Rachel Rose is currently in the hospital,please come soon."

And just like that I stopped and the ground beneath me stopped wheareas tears blurred my vision


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