quarentine date night at home

Start from the beginning

*John, Blakelyn, Paisley, Grayson and Ensley's outfits*

"Thank you, Daddy and Papa!" John, Blakelyn, and Paisley all say in unison to PK and Mike as they all begin to enjoy their ice cream.

"Tank you, Daddy! Tank you, Papa!" Grayson says with a cheeky smile at PK and Mike as he also enjoys his ice cream!

"You're welcome, guys! Enjoy the new movie!" Mike says happily to John, Blakelyn, Paisley and Grayson and they all smile up at Mike.

"You're welcome! If you need Papa or I, we will be on our balcony eating, okay? Just come out if you need something from us!" PK says to John, Blakelyn, Paisley and Grayson.

"Okay, Daddy and Papa!" John, Blakelyn, Paisley and Grayson all say in unison as they all smile at PK and Mike.

Onward the movie begins to play on the TV and John, Blakelyn, Paisley and Grayson all happily watch as they eat their ice cream!

Mike and PK quickly and quiet walk away and head out on their balcony with Ensley to enjoy their dinner!

Ensley will just sit in her bouncer and play while PK and Mike eat their dinner together.

Ensley isn't a movie watcher just yet, so keeping her with them would be much easier then letting her older siblings watch her.

For dinner tonight, PK and Mike are going to have bacon wrapped guacamole stuffed chicken!

"This dinner looks absolutely AMAZING, Mike! Thank you so so much!" PK says as he softly kisses Mike.

"You're welcome! I hope you enjoy it." Mike says happily to PK.

"Ba ba ba ba! Ba ba ba ba!" Ensley says as she giggles and smiles up at PK and Mike.

"Hi, pretty girl! Here is a teether for you!" PK says as he hands a pink teether to Ensley and Ensley happily gnaws on it.

"Poor baby girl is teething so much." Mike says as he watches Ensley with her teether.

"She is! She will have a full set of teeth before she is one!" PK says playfully, making Mike giggle and smile.

PK and Mike both begin to happily eat their dinner together while Ensley eats some Gerber Puffs and gnaws on her pink teether!

"The sun feels so freaking good on my face." PK says as he smiles and closes his eyes, making Mike giggle and smile at him.

"It totally does. Today would have been an amazing beach day with the kids too." Mike says to PK.

"I knowwww! This really freaking sucks." PK says as he groans a little.

"Yeah, it does. But we are all happy and healthy so that's all that matters." Mike says to PK.

"You are right, babe! That is all that matters." PK says as he smiles at Mike.

PK then opens up a White Claw and he begin to drink some.

Mike takes a short video of PK to post on his Instagram stories.

"Are you filming me, babe?" PK asks Mike playfully as he giggles and hides his face

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"Are you filming me, babe?" PK asks Mike playfully as he giggles and hides his face.

"Yeah! Why, babe?" Mike says as he smiles at PK and PK giggles loudly at Mike.

"Eww! I look so freaking gross right now, babe! My hair looks awful and I have my glasses on!" PK says playfully to Mike as he hides his face.

Mike giggles loudly and smiles ear to ear at PK.

"No you don't, babe! You look absolutely perfect to me." Mike says as he smiles at PK and PK blushes and smiles at Mike.

"Aww! So you are, baby!" PK says as he and Mike a few times and they smile at each other.

PK then films a short boomerang video of Mike eating his dinner in front of him.

"Let me guess, you filmed a boomerang video of me?" Mike asks PK with sass, making PK giggle loudly

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"Let me guess, you filmed a boomerang video of me?" Mike asks PK with sass, making PK giggle loudly.

"Duh!" PK says with sass back at Mike, making himself and Mike both giggle loudly.

"Because you are so stinking cute!" PK says as he makes Mike blush and smile.

"I love you so much, babe." Mike says to PK softly,

"I love you too! And this dinner is sooo good, babe! Mmm!" PK says with a smile.

"It is! I like this!" Mike says with a cheeky grin.

PK and Mike then happily kiss each other.

"Ba ba ba ba ba!" Ensley says happily to PK and Mike.

"Hi, baby girl! Hi, baby! I love youuuu! I love youuuu!" PK says in a babyfied voice at Ensley making her smile and giggle.

"Ba ba ba ba!" Ensley says as she smiles and giggles at PK.

"Hi, princess!" Mike says as Ensley smiles at Mike.

"Ba ba ba ba!" Ensley says to Mike happily.

"Aww, I love you, baby." Mike says as he blows Ensley a kiss.

"I know we had a very hectic and crazy day with all five of our kids today, but I keep having dreams about having another baby. Not right this second but when Ensley is older." PK says as he giggles and smiles at Mike.

Mike smiles back at PK and kisses his hands softly.

"I thought about adding another baby to our family too, babe." Mike says as he smiles at PK and PK smiles back at Mike.

"Aww, really babe?" PK says to Mike as his face lights up.

"Yeah! Whenever you are ready of course. I know we didn't originally plan on having a large family but I love having one with you." Mike says as PK awes our loud and smiles at Mike.

"I love it too, babe. We are a great parenting team." PK says as he kisses Mike again.

"Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba!" Ensley says to PK and Mike.

"You just want to be held, huh?" PK says playfully as he picks up Ensley and sits her on his lap.

"You would make such a cute big sister, huh?" Mike says in a babyfied voice as Ensley's face lights up and Ensley giggles at Mike.

"I think she would too!" PK says as she kisses Ensley cheek and fixes her hair.

PK, Ensley and Mike stay outside for an hour before heading back inside with Poppy the dog, John, Blakelyn, Paisley and Grayson!

For the first of the night, PK, Mike, John, Blakelyn, Paisley, Grayson, Ensley and Poppy the dog all have a relaxing night as a family :)

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