Robbing Gringotts

Start from the beginning

Until I heard someone walking behind us. I turned as well as Ron. An officer was walking our way. I whispered as we turned back around, "Don't freak out. Keep calm."

A different goblin came on top of the platform, "Miss Lestrange, may we see your wand for identification?"

Hermione/Bellatrix eyed them, "Why would I ever do that?"

Give them the wand, Mione.

"Because it's Gringotts Policy. You must understand, given the current conditions."

"I do not."

Hermione just give them the wand.

"Well, if you would like to enter your vault, we need to see your wand." The goblin then took a deep breath. I was a little confused as he spoke, "Nevertheless, you may follow me, Miss Lestrange."

I turned to see that the officer had stopped. I smirked a little and proceeded to follow my friends. We climbed into a cart. It was a fun ride, but it nearly made me sick.

Griphook was driving us through the deep, dark cannons of the bank. It was terrifying what magic could be capable of. Almost the entire way through I was scared of falling off.

I was sitting next to Hermione, who didn't seem as scared. Probably because Bellatrix never had a scared face and the wind was whipping her hair around too.

We passed over a waterfall type thing. It had weird vibes I was not too happy with. We were all concerned but Harry spoke up first, "Griphook, what was that waterfall?"

We were getting closer the waterfall. I was getting concerned, "Griphook?"

We passed through it although Griphook did try to stop the cart. I looked down to my soaked clothes. My hair was back to normal. My body looked like mine. That waterfall stripped us of our magic.

We stopped only seconds after the water. I was about to turn to Griphook when a lantern thing began to glow. As soon as it started to beep, we were dropped from the cart.

As we fell I let out the loudest scream I could've held in. It was terrifying. I heard Hermione yell something as I watched the ground come towards me closer and closer. I closed my eyes. Nothing.

The moment I opened them, I fell onto the ground. It didn't hurt as bad but it still scratched up my face a little. We all groaned as we got up. "Nice thinking, 'Mione."

I watched as the beeping cart went away, "So does that mean it knows we aren't these people and it's going to get reinforcements?"

"Not necessarily," Griphook spoke, "but we might want to get this done fast."

"Bridge, you look like yourself again," Ron pointed out.

"That's what's called the Thief's down-fall. It washes off all spells and enchantments," Griphook explained. "Sometimes it can be deadly."

"What? No. Really?" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm just a little curious," Ron groaned, "is there anyway we can get out?"

"No," Griphook shook his head.

"What in Merlin's name are all of you doing here?" The other goblin was angry. You could tell with his voice. "You're a bunch of thieves! When we get-"

"Imperio," Ron sighed.

The goblin took a deep breath and wore a smile.

Wait, why does that work if he's still wet from the water of the waterfall?

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