Pencil on paper.

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"Now your Majesties. What age are you hoping for?" The woman asked. "Somewhere along our daughter, so 5? 6 or 7?" He said.

"Right this way." She stood up and led them to a room. It was full of children, playing with colour pencils and giggling together.  We walked around, smiling at them.

Children gathered around Tae immediately. "You're the king!" One of the tiny boys said excitedly. "Yes I am." Taehyung chuckled. "Can you marry me? Then I can be a princess!" A little girl squeaked. I giggled.

"Looks like I've got competition." I laughed. "I'd love to sweetheart, but I'm a little too old for you." He chuckled. The little girl pouted.

I laughed, looking around. My ears then heard the sound of pencil on paper, hard and loud. It was mixed with a soft sound of humming.

I walked towards a bookshelf and looked behind it. On the floor was a small boy with huge dark eyes and he was humming to himself happily as he drew what appeared to be a wobbly puppy.

"Hey there little guy." I said softly. He startled and looked at me in surprise, his eyes wide. He began to breath heavily.

Ok so not used to strangers.

"Hey hey. Relax. It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you." I said gently. He hesitated, then his breathing slowed down.

"Why are you here all alone?" I asked curiously. "They are mean to me and call me mean names. So here safe." He said sadly. My heart shattered at his sad tone.

He is lonely.

"I like your dog." I pointed at the drawing. He smiled happily. "Tito." He said. "I'm sorry?" I asked, confused. He pointed at the picture. "Ahhh. The dog's name. It's a very nice name." I said, smiling. He looked down shyly.

"I draw too you know." I said. "Really?" He looked eagerly up at me. "I have a room at home just for drawing." I said, nodding. "Wow!" He clapped his soft hands excitedly.

"Wow indeed." I chuckled. He then slowly reached up and pulled a strand of my hair. He giggled as he watched it bounce back.

"Funny." He did it again and again, laughing everytime it sprung back. I smiled.

"What's your name little one?" I asked. "Shiwoo." He blinked. "Adorable." I said. "Do you have a dog?" He asked suddenly. "We do. His name is Yeontan but we call him Tannie." I said.

"Having fun?" I looked over my shoulder and saw Taehyung smiling down at me. Shiwoo cowered slightly under Taehyung's height.

"Yes. Where are the other children?" I asked. "Outside. They thought you needed a moment." He knelt on the floor. Shiwoo held my hand in fear.

"It's ok little guy. I'm just saying hello." He said gently. Shiwoo looked  at him hesitantly.

"This is my husband Shiwoo." I explained. "L-like mummy and daddy husband?" He asked. "Like that yes." I said in a soothing manner.

"A-and you l-like him?" He asked nervously. I nodded. "H-hi." He bowed. Taehyung bowed in return. "Y-you're older! You can't do that!" He looked at Taehyung in pure shock.

"But you look so mature!" Taehyung said in mock surprise.

Shiwoo giggled.


"He's perfect. Not that the other children aren't amazing, but I feel like he is made to be my son." Taehyung told the woman in charge an hour later.

"Shiwoo? Are you sure?" She asked him. "Why not?" I enquired.

"Past family was very abusive." She explained. Taehyung and I gasped. "Then we will absolutely take him in." I said firmly.

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