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On the plane, I had my earphones plugged in while Stella painted beside me. Ever since she told me she was at the end of her scholarship she has been painting non stop. Her tongue poked our as she furrowed her eyebrows in concentration. I looked at her, softly smiling. She was adorable.

I then decided to facetime the boys since I would be heading to them as soon as I could when I landed. "Stella. I'm going on a call." I said, pulling out my iPad.

She said nothing and held out her hand. I placed my earphones in her ears, put on the playlist I made for her and handed her my phone.

I placed my iPad on my lap and rung Jimin. He picked up immediately.

*Video On*

"TAE!" They all answered. Jungkook was trying climb over Jimin to wave happily at me. I waved real big.

"GUYS!" I said. We all burst out laughing. "Where is my soulmate?" Jimin asked. Stella is Jimin's female friend soulmate. Well, she's soulmates with all of them.

"Painting. She has her final in two days." I said. "What's she painting? I heard it has to be a set." Namjoon asked curiously. "She said it's a surprise but she wants us all to see it." I told them. "Of course!" They all said at once. "I bet it's of me." JK smirked. I looked at Stella's canvas. There were men alright.

"She is drawing the outline of men." I reported. "I think I saw her painting women in her room before you guys left." Yoongi said. I looked at him. "The hell were you doing there?" I asked. "Music, Tae. She's like a sister to me. I'm going to help her." Yoongi said, signing. "Right." I blushed. "Your whipped Tae." Jin stated calmly, flipping a page in a book in the background. "I'm not whipped!" I exclaimed. "Well you did just act like a defensive animal over your girlfriend." Hobi shrugged. "Can we see her?" Jungkook bounced excitedly around the studio in the background. "Sure." I turned the screen to face her.

She was removing my hoodie, with only a sports bra underneath. "WAIT!" I slammed the screen down. "Hey!" Jimin said. I lifted  the screen and put it to face me. I stared until she was done.

She threw it at my face. "Pervert." She grinned, still staring at her work. I blushed. " OH she caught you Taetae!" Jungkook cackled. "Shut up JK." I mumbled. I then face the screen towards her. She turned around to face the light. "STELLA!" They shouted. Jin threw his book away and ran to the screen.

Jesus calm down.

"How are you love?" Jimin asked. "I'm great Chim! Just a little tired." She yawned, stretching. I suddenly noticed they had gone quiet. "Can you quit watching her." I took a blanket and covered her gently. "What? I've seen her in a bra before." Jimin shrugged. "Me too." Jungkook held his hand up excitedly, like an eager school boy in class. "WHAT." I said, angrily. Stella took my arm gently.

"I wasn't dating you at the time babe." She said.

"Doesn't matter! They knew I liked you!" I huffed, crossing my arms. "Tae. I wore a sports bra when they were helping me practise for my audition." She said.

"Oh." I said, grinning sheepishly. She smiled. "Your adorable when you are jealous." She said. She got up from her seat and went to the bathroom. "I'm going to clean up." I nodded then turned back to the screen.

"So. Did you bang?" Yoongi asked immediately. "NO!" My cheeks burned a hot red. "Yoongi!" Namjoon scolded. "What we all were thinking it!" He said. "Have you kissed her?" Hobi asked. "Um..." I mumbled.

"You have got to be kidding me." Jungkook's eyes widened.

"I've only kissed her once." I said. "Yeah we watched you do it." Namjoon grinned. "Seriously?!" I said, shocked.

"Yep. Your not bad for someone with no experience." Hobi smiled. I groaned. "We are taking it slow." I stated. Jimin and JK nodded in agreement. "Good. That's my little girl Tae. Smart answer." Jungkook nodded. I grinned.

I suddenly thought of something. Well, I've been thinking about it a lot.

"Tae your thinking." Jin said. "Tae thinks?" Yoongi asked, acting surprised. I glared at him. "Yeah. I wanted to discuss it with you guys." I said shyly.

"Go ahead sweetie." Jin said, smiling like an encouraging parent.

"Well... I kind of... want to... you know..." I said, shyly fidgeting with my fingers.

"What?!" They started fan girling. "Oh my god!" Namjoon screamed. "MY SON IS GROWING UP!" Jin faked a tear falling. "I will break you if you hurt my angel." Yoongi stated. "AHHHHHHH!" Hobi hopped around and danced like a lunatic.

Jungkook and Jimin were running around with their arms out. " TAEHYUNG AND STELLA SITTING IN A TREE! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" They screamed. I face palmed. But I was happy as hell.

"Hey guys." She came back, her curly hair in a ponytail and her signature bangs on either side of her face. She wore her glasses, my hoodie and my sweat pants. She sat down on the seat. She never wore make up as she said she would end up smudging it, but I like her better this way.

"Wow." I breathed. She blushed. "Thanks." She grinned. I stared at her lovingly. "Guys we are still here." Jimin said. We both jumped a little. "Yoongi!" She said, her smile widening. "Hey Elle." He grinned.


"How's your music?" She asked. "It's fantastic. The song is done, we are just waiting for lover boy." He said.

"Alright we'll see you there! I have to finish this I'm afraid. I'll call you later Chim!" Stella waved. "Bye love." Jimin said. "Bye Stella!" JK said, waving frantically. "Bye Kookie!" "Bye!" The others called out. She grinned and waved, then plugged in her earphones and began working again.

"Yeah I'm going to bed. Goodnight you guys." I said.

"BYE TAE!" They waved.

*Video Ended*

I then put my iPad to the side, laid my head on Stella's lap, and slowly fell asleep to the shuffling of paint brushes.




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