Unintentionally matched.

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Ok breathe. You've got this. Just calm down. It's not going to be that bad.

I slowly knocked on the door. I heard a shuffling, a bang and a hissed "Ow!". I chuckled. How adorable.

The door opened. My mouth fell open. She was beautiful. Her plain black shirt clung to her frame, a pair of high waisted ripped boyfriend jeans hung loosely around her legs with her signature grey combat boots. Her curly springs bounced about her face and her fingers were covered in rings except of course the one for marriage. A white denim jacket draped her shoulders.

Oh my god we unintentionally matched.

"Hey Tae! You look amazing!" She said. "Um... you too. You look beautiful." I said. She blushed. I grinned.

She then lifted her hand and ran it through my new red hair. "I like this." She said. I blushed. Her fingers sent a tingly feeling all over my body.

"Come on! Let's go! I want you to have fun!" She grabbed my hand. My face turned red. She dragged me to my car.

I unlocked it and put on my face mask, leaving my mouth free for now. We hopped in the car. "Hey Tae? You sick?" She asked, looking concerned at this.

How am I supposed to tell her how easy it is to be recognised? I haven't been wearing it at first since my running away story wasn't online. But just this morning it was announced that rule number 99 was activated. And my whole country knows what that means. Now the whole world does too.

"Um no! Actually there is something I want to tell you after the party." I decided to tell her the truth. I can't lie to her. It felt so wrong to do so. "Sure Tae. Now come on! I get to take away your party virginity!" She winked. I blushed.

Does she have any idea what she is doing to me? What is happening?!

We drove there, happily singing my playlist all the way. I knew where to go since every morning I've been dropping her off now. I've just never been outside the car.

I stepped out and then jogged to the other side, opening the door for her. "What a gentleman." She smiled. I grinned shyly, then pulled my mask up and locked my car. I could already hear music. I was nervously fiddling with my jacket. We walked to the building that was glowing. We walked inside.

Wow. This is so different to the parties I was used to.

People were everywhere, grinding against each other with plastic cups in their hands. Definitely drunk. Girls in the shortest clothes. Mother would be appalled. I saw a bar and a DJ playing music as people got even stoned than they already seemed to be.


A girl I had never seen before came up to us. She had long brown hair that reached far down her back with deep purple tips. She had warm brown eyes and immediately I noticed that she is short. Shorter than Stella like Emily is. It is really cute though.

She hugged Stella then looked at me. A smile, very similar to Jungkook's, grew on her face. "So this is the guy you won't stop talking about." She said. I blushed. Stella talks about me?

"Shut up Airplane. " Stella said, blushing as well. "Ok ok!" She laughed. "I'm Cherry by the way." She held out her small hand. I shook it and bowed. "Taehyung. But I'm guessing you know this." I smiled. She grinned. "The bowing is new." She raised an eyebrow.

"Tradition. It's a sign of respect." I explained. "Oh! That's really cool!" Her eyes crinkled when she smiled wider.

Jungkook will like her.

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