Black and blue.

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"Shut up." I groaned. My hand searched wildly for my phone. I finally found it. Eyes still glued together with sleep, I checked the time, out of habit mostly cause I already knew what time it was. 6:00am. Ughhhhh.

Before I go into this story, hi. I'm Stella. I don't usually tell my surname as I just don't want to.

I'm a 19 year old art student at Oxford. I can't leave my place without my sketchbook and a pencil. I'd honestly go mad.

I've been here for a year now. I live in a small apartment complex and my family is back home. My younger brother JJ, who is 17, is a serious pain in the ass but I love him to death.

My mum is from a tiny island in the middle of the ocean and my step dad is from here. I don't know my real father.

Pretty sweet love story right? The island girl falling for a sweet British man. Match made in heaven right? I wonder if I'll find my match from heaven...

I pushed myself off my bed and stumbled to the bathroom. My curly blonde highlighted black hair lay tangled like a nest above my head, my caramel skin puffy from sleep. My almost black coloured eyes were nearly glued together.

God this is going to be a nightmare to fix.

After 10 minutes of serious thinking, I decided to just tie it in a tight bun at the back of my neck, leaving my usual signature curly fringe surrounding my face.

I had a shower then shoved on a giant black hoodie and shorts with some leather grey boots. Let's just say there is no colour in my wardrobe most of the time. I then walked out of my apartment, locking my door behind me.

I pulled my hood up, shoving on my glasses while checking my messages on my phone. Just as I entered the elevator my phone rang.

"Euphoria. Take my hands now. You are the cau-"

Amazing ringtone right.

*On Call*

"What do you want Cherry." I said.


I burst out laughing. Cherry has been my best friend ever since I can remember. Along side my other partner in crime, Emily, we were literally the three craziest art students you could meet. And I'm not even exaggerating. We are lunatics.

Me: Jesus ok ok. What's up?

Airplane: I'm busy waiting with Em at the entrance. Hurry up! You know we need to hand in our pieces at 8!

Me: It's 6:45! But I'm on my way. See ya there Airplane.

Airplane: Hurry up Pelican.

*Call Ended*

I've called Cherry Airplane for ages now. I honestly don't know how it started but it fitted her personality so well, how it was just... Cherry. She calls me Pelican due to my thin arms and long legs. Her mum called me that once and the name stuck. I honestly don't mind it anymore.

As I exited the elevator I suddenly crashed into what felt like a solid, squishy wall.

"Ouch..." I opened my eyes slowly, wincing in pain as I saw my books scattered all around me. Well my ass is going to be black and blue.

Then suddenly a deep, rich voice spoke. It was slightly pitched due to the panicked tone. I guess this was the wall I collided with.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you! God I'm such an idiot! Let me help you up."

I looked up.

Probably the most beautiful man I have ever seen stared back at me. His serene face peering down at me, attempting to see my face under the hood. His shockingly blue hair framed his spotless cream coloured face. A pair of glasses wet from rain sat on his nose. Honestly what was his skin care routine. His dark brown eyes were calm and slender.

"Wow..." I breathed, slowly reaching for his hand and pulled myself up. His hand was large and warm. It felt... nice.

"I'm so sorry! I'll pick up your books! Just give me a second." He fussed around me, dusting my hoodie and picking up my books. He handed them to me.

"Thank you." I pulled down my hood, showing a small smile. His eyes widened and his mouth slowly parted. My smile faltered slightly. Did I look that bad? God I knew I should've worn something better. Or is it my face?

"No problem." He said, breathlessly. We stared at each other. He then stuck his arm out. "I'm Taehyung! I-I m-mean yes that's my name! Well obviously." He blushed furiously.

I chuckled and smirked at this. "Stella." I shook his hand.

He smiled shyly.

" I'm new here. I'm from Korea and I'm moving to an address written down here. I'm quite lost you see." He shuffled his feet in embarrassment, holding a crumpled piece of paper.

I flashed a big smile this time. "Let me help you!".

He handed over the piece of paper. I pushed my glasses up, reading the address.

I had to blink to make sure I was reading it right.

"You live next to me! Your already at your apartment. Just head to the 4th floor and you will see room 15. I'm room 14." This time I was the one blushing.

"Wow really? Well at least I know someone here." He grinned. He then turned around and dragged a suitcase and a cage which I honestly hadn't noticed until now.

"I'll see you around!" He waved.

"Bye Taehyung." I waved back, watching him enter the elevator.

I then turned around with a massive smile on my face.



~ I hope you guys enjoyed this cause this is my first ever chapter! This is my first story so I seriously hope you guys enjoy it! If there is something wrong or something confusing, do not hesitate to tell me! You guys is who I'm writing this for!...

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~ I hope you guys enjoyed this cause this is my first ever chapter! This is my first story so I seriously hope you guys enjoy it! If there is something wrong or something confusing, do not hesitate to tell me! You guys is who I'm writing this for! #saranghae!

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