God she is a handful.

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6 years later

"JUNGKOOK WHY DOES LUNA HAVE BOXING GLOVES?" I yelled as Luna answered the door as I was picking her  up from JK's house.

"Aren't they pretty?" She giggled and hopped around, her curly hair bouncing.

"Gorgeous." I glared at Jungkook who had appeared at the door. "What? She and Korain just started today!" He grinned. "Thank you uncle Kookie!" She bowed. "Anything for my princess." He bent down and kissed her cheek.

I sighed. "Guessing you dressed her too." I looked at her outfit, her previous cream coloured sweater and leggings gone and replaced with DEFINITELY something Jungkook would pick.

"Oops." He grinned.

"Luna!" Korain, JK's six year old nephew, ran to Luna and gave her a hug. "Koko!" She giggled. "I got you something Noona." He said shyly. He held up a bracelet that was made of black beads with flowers on them.

"Wow!" Luna's eyes widened. "That's lovely Korain." I smiled at him. He shuffled his feet in an adorable manner.

"Dad put it on for me pleaseeee!" Luna jumped up and down. "Of course love." I knelt down and clipped it on. She gave Korain a big hug. "Thank you!" She giggled. "You're m-my best friend n-noona!" He stuttered. She nodded at this vigorously.

"Alright Luna. Uncle Jimin is coming over this evening so I want you home now ok?" I said firmly.

"Can Koko come? Please! I will do piano with Uncle Yoonie twice a week!" She begged, pouting.

Damn that pout. Gets it from her mother.

"Can he?" I looked at JK. "Well he is staying at my place this evening so I guess it's ok." Jungkook smiled. "YES!" Luna grabbed Korain's arm and dragged him up the stairs to pack his stuff.

"God she is a handful." I groaned. "Kids huh?" Jungkook chuckled. "You're worst." I smirked. He glared at me. "At least I'm fun." He grinned back. "I'm fun!" I scoffed.

"Come on Koko! Bye Uncle Kookie!" Luna and Korain skipped down the driveway where the guard bowed and opened the car door and they climbed inside.

"Cherry with the girls?" I asked. "Yeah she  is with Ariana and Nicholas." He cringed. "After all these years he is still there." I laughed. I then turned to the guard named Chi. Well that's what they call him.

"Take the children to the palace." I told him. He nodded and got in the car and drove off.

"Is that safe?" JK asked. "There's a tracker on all my cars." I told him. "Right! I keep forgetting." He shook his head. "Want to grab a beer?" I asked. "Yes please." He went inside and grabbed his coat, locking the door behind him.

"So on this stroll, I wanted to ask you something." I said. "Go ahead." He placed an airpod in his ear.

"I want another baby." I said. He coughed suddenly. "R-really?" He said, eyes wide. "Yeah. I want to adopt this time though." I said thoughtfully.

"You can make kids you know." He looked at me. "Yes I know that." I glared at him. "Then?" He asked.

"I want to give a child another chance at life you know? I see so many unfortunate occurrences happening to children. They get abandoned or even killed. I want to at least help one start afresh." I sighed. "That's quite good of you Taehyung." Jungkook spoke softly, smiling.

"Yeah. I wanted everyone over to tell them before we go back on tour you know?" I said, opening the  door to a small cafe. He nodded, asking a waiter for a beer and a glass of wine.

"So? What nationality?" He asked. "Korean." I said. "Ahh. That's great! Boy I'm guessing." He grinned. "I'm the only man in my house. I need male company." I grinned. We laughed.

"I'm proud of you Tae." He said softly. "Thanks bunny boy." I smiled, raising an eyebrow. "That name is for Cherry and Cherry only." He took a gulp of beer. I sipped my wine. "Of course... bunny boy." He glared at me.

2 hours later

"Dad!" Luna rushed over to me as I entered the doors of the palace.

"Hey sweetheart. Where's your mother?" I asked. "Dancing with uncle Chimmy!" She squealed. I walked into the ballroom, following the music.

I saw them dancing to Jimin's old song 'Serendipity' and Korain trying to copy them in such a cute way.

"Uncle Tae! I can do it!" Korain did an extremely tiny version of the moves, messing up here and there but still.

Impressive for a four year old.

"That was so good Koko!" Luna looked at him in adoration. He blushed. "T-thank you Noona." He giggled.

"Right! I have some important news!" I said loudly. "Well hello to you too." Jimin scoffed. I grinned and Stella walked up to me. "Hi." She grinned. "Hi." I smiled and kissed her softly. "Yuck!" The kids covered their eyes.

"Kookie!" Stella then pushed me aside and hugged Jungkook. "Hey Bella!" He hugged her back.

"Rejected by my wife. How sad." I faked a tear. "Jealousy looks bad on you Tae." Jimin said. The children giggled.

"Ok! Now I really have to say this!" I said firmly.

"Ok the boys should be here any minute so-" The door burst open before Jimin could even finish. "WHERE ARE MY ANGELS?" Jin yelled.

"UNCLE JIN!" Luna and Korain rushed towards him and hugged his legs. "Hello my dears. Don't worry. I'm here now." He said, stroking their heads.

"What's up!" Jhope yelled. "Hoseok, be quieter." Yoongi said. "Sorry we are late! Traffic!" Namjoon grinned. "Uncle Namjoonie!" Luna let go of Jin and bounced towards him. He bent down and smiled. "Pike poke!" She giggled as she prodded his dimples.

"Ok now that we are all here, I have something to say." I said. They all went silent and sat on the floor in a circle, both the kids on Stella's lap.

"Ok. Stella you know I want more children right?" I asked her. "Um yeah Tae?" She looked at me confused.

"Well I want to adopt!" I declared. "Really?!" She looked at me with a shocked expression. "Yes..." I looked at her.

"Tae... I can make kids you know..." She said. "I said that too! But hear him out first." Jungkook nudged me, telling me to continue.

"I want to help someone in need. To give them a new chance. I just want to help and raise a kid that needs good parents." I said, signing.

"Let's get one!" Luna said excitedly. "You sure about this Tae?" Stella looked at me.

"You trust me?" I asked her. "Yes." Both mother and daughter said instantly. I smiled. "Then we are getting a baby!" I grinned my box smile. The boys cheered happily.

Baby number 2.



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