Which is why...

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Doesn't this bartender have a fucking job.

We were sitting down at the hotel's restaurant. Stella had put on the dress I brought down for her, a light yellow floral one. It glowed against her dark skin along with the silver necklace I bought her.

I watched him and Stella laugh. I forced a laugh as well.

Stella immediately looked at me.

God why does she know my fake laugh so well.

"Hey Taemin I think it's time I hangout out with my boyfriend you know? It's our first getaway in ages". She explained kindly.

"Um yeah sure." He glared at me. I smirked and stuck my tongue out.

Deal with it.

"Come on Tae! Let's look around in the gardens." She pulled me up from the table and we walked out. The sun was blinding and for once it was a bright day.

"Your hair looks really good by the way." She told me. I blushed as I ran a hand through my new silver hair. "Thanks." I grinned.

I'm so nervous. I mean I don't know when to do it.

She strode in front of me, my camera swinging around her neck and her face mask tucked under her chin.

"What should we do?" She asked, as we walked along the path. I then realised an idea for an opening.

"Let's go for a walk. You know along the wood area of the hotel." I suggested. "Sure let me take some photos of you first!" She grinned. I laughed at her cuteness. "Of course." I grinned back at her.

After 15 minutes, we headed to the wood path. It was peaceful and quiet due to everyone enjoying the pool.

I quickly called Jungkook as Stella halted to have a photoshoot with a dandelion.

*On Call*

JK: Tae? We are here setting up. What's up?

"Can you call the hotel manager and say the prince needs his arrangements to speed up?" I asked him nervously.


*Call Ended*

I put the phone in my bag. "Who was it?" Stella asked, finished now.

"Just JK checking in." I said, nervously smiling.

"Oh. Let's continue then! I heard they have an amazing lake here!" She squealed as she grabbed my arm and pulled me along.

"Slow down babe!" I stumbled along with her.

She is going exactly where I want her to.

We strode to the lake, Stella pointing out adorable things like a nest of birds or the way the trees swayed like Jhope when he was doing when he was excited.

I smiled down at her as we walked along the dirt path, loving every dramatic hand gesture she did.

Wait we are nearly there. I've got to stall her.

My phone vibrated. It was a message from JK. They need 3 more minutes. I looked ahead. The lake was already in view and I could see Jungkook waving at me frantically to distract her as the footman quickly did the finishing touches.

I pulled Stella towards me and crushed her against my chest. I looked over her head and JK gave me a big thumbs up.

She pulled away from me. "I mean I get that you love me Tae but let me breathe at least!" She giggled. My heart raced at the sound.

THE PRINCE ✔️Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum