I smiled.

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Married. She is getting married.

Wow. I don't know what to say.

She was dancing happily, the ring flashing every now and then her shirt sleeve hitched up. She had a huge grin on her face. She was beautiful in her men's clothing.

"Bae I've got to ask you something!" She then walked up to me, sweating in her sweatpants and oversized dress shirt.

Which was definitely not HERS.

"Yeah Bells?" I smiled at her. "I was kind of wondering..." She shuffled her feet. "Come on Bella you've never been afraid to tell me something before." I laughed at her.

"Right." She laughed at that. "Do you want to... you know. My family and friends are being brought here so Tae is stressed out about the wedding. I was wondering if you wanted to come with Jimin, JK and I and come to my fitting? You know, since your one of my best friends." She smiled.

"Of course!" I smiled at her. "Great! Let's go!" She quickly grabbed her towel and her bag.

"Wait now?!" I quickly shoved on my shoes. "YES! LET'S GO!" She laughed as she ran out of the studio.

We took a taxi to the shop in Seoul. Taehyung, of course, had let Bella have her dress custom made so it was just to see her fitting.

Jimin and Jungkook were waiting at reception for us, looking eager and excited.

"BELLA!" They ran towards her and enveloped her in a massive hug. "You guys." She giggled and hugged back.

"Hey Baekhyun!" JK gave me a hug. "How are you Bae?" Jimin smiled at me.

"I'm great. Im just glad I'm here." I smiled back. I genuinely was. At least I get to be with Bella at the moment she needed support.

"Ok I'm going to go try it on!" Stella was given a clothing bag and she stumbled into the changing rooms.

We all sat down in the private section on a white leather couch. "I bet she will look amazing!" Jungkook grinned. "Absolutely." Jimin smiled.

We waited for 10 minutes until a worker came out with Stella.

Our mouths dropped.

Fucking hell.

She was stunning. The white lace hugged her figure so perfectly.

"Wow..." I breathed. "Thanks Bae!" She grinned at me.

"OH MY GOD!" Jimin was crying. "GORGEOUS!" Jungkook's eyes were actually watery.

"Guys your going to make me cry!" She scolded them.

"MY SISTER IS GETTING MARRIED!" Jimin cried out and went up there to hug her tightly.

2 hours later

We had finally arrived back and Stella went up for a shower.

Taehyung had walked in the studio where I was with the others.

"You guys I have an announcement." He spoke. "Tell us Tae." Jin told him.

"I've decided who the best man of the wedding is." He told us. We all sat up straighter.

"Sorry guys he obviously chose me." Jimin smirked. "Shut up Chim it's me!" JK grinned.

"It's all of you." He grinned. The boys cheered as I watched them.

"Bae why aren't you celebrating with us?" Hoseok asked, noticing my lack of enthusiasm.

Stella then walked in. "There is my second best man!" She grinned at me. I blinked.

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