Invading the Ministry

Start from the beginning

"Speaker for the defendant is present," I spoke just like Dumbledore had when he came in for Harry and me. 

"You were nearly late, but we are so happy you're here." 

I smiled to the old hag, "Great. Now, what is the defendant accused of?" 

"I wasn't finished stating who she was just yet," Umbridge smiled down at me. She began to read off her information. I stared that the locket around her neck. I could feel the energy it was conveying and it was not good energy. 

Ron, also known as Reginald, was pushed in by Harry, who was also known as Albert. He stood next to his fake wife and Umbridge continued, "Mary Elizabeth Cattermole, when you entered the Ministry of Magic, your wand was taken from you. Please tell me, is this your wand?" she held up a neat wand. 

I turned to the woman, who nodded her head. I turned back, "That is the defendant's wand." 

"And who did you take it from?" She asked. 

I looked to the woman, who was shaking her head. Her eyes shown fear, pity, and honesty. I looked back to the lady in pink, "She did not take the wand. You took that wand. From her." 

"It chose me at Ollivander's when I was only eleven," she began to speak for herself. Bad call. 

"That's not true," Umbridge shook her head. "You are lying. Wands choose witches. Mary Elizabeth Cattermole, you are not a witch." 

"Why isn't she?" I asked. "Is it because she is muggle-born?"


"Did you know," I began to pace in front of her, "that for a muggle-born to be a witch or wizard, somewhere in the past of their family tree, at one point there was a pureblood witch or wizard. Magic is deep within their blood making them a wizard, or in this case witch. You would've learned that in the History of Magic textbook if you went to Hogwarts. Unless you didn't pay attention to your professors." 

"I beg your pardon."

"Of course it's nobodies fault that V...He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named," I caught myself, "doesn't like muggles or muggle-borns. Did you know that the Dark Lord was a half-blood? It's only rational that when his muggle father abandoned him in an orphanage, he got angry. Only he's taking it out on everyone instead of dealing with it himself. And he was very prestigious in school, so I'm sure he has to know what I just told you. Right?"

"How...How do you know all of that?!" Dolores was shocked. 

"I do my research." 

"It can't be," She shook her head. "No. You're lying! She is not a witch! Nor will she ever be!" 

"Actually Dolores," 'Albert' took out his wand (I took this as a sign to take out mine to), "these women are right. It is you who is lying." I could feel my face begin to move around and start to return to normal. "And I know, I must not tell lies." 

"Accio locket !" I raised my wand to the witch. I caught the locket midair. 

"Stupefy !" Harry pointed his wand to Umbridge. The spell hit her and she almost seemed paralyzed. 

I could hear the people around us whispering about how it was Harry Potter. I turned to my friends, "We need to go! Now!" I ran first. Ahead of my I saw the same man I saw before the trial. His eyes went wide, but I was quicker than he was, "Immobulus!"

He stood in the same position he was in as we ran past. I quickly put the locket around my neck as we entered the elevator. The doors closed by the dementors had followed us. I aimed my wand, "Expecto Patronum!" My dog patronus growled and chased them off down the hall. The elevator headed to the main floor. 

We got off. Ron got held back by his fake wife. I looked back. My jaw dropped when I saw her grab Ron's face and kiss him. He changed back as they were kissing so when they stopped, she saw his face. She figured out Ron wasn't her husband. I had to stop myself from laughing. 

The actual Reginald cut in between Hermione and I. He looked to the two of them, "Who's that Mary?" 

Ron looked to her, "It was very nice meeting you." 

A man yelled out, "It's Harry Potter!" 

We ran. We ran through the crowds of people while the Ministry policemen tried to catch us. I was leading the group. We rounded the statues of muggles, and some spells were thrown at us; whoever was trying to hit us had terrible aim. 

Harry hit a table of papers; they went flying. I began to run backwards. I aimed my wand at the floor the man was running to us on. Without having to say a word, the floor exploded in his face right as he was about to take another step.

I watched him fall, but immediately get up and run at us. We jumped into the nearest floo network.  

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