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I'm going to fight. I'm going to fight for you. You need to remember that.
~R.L. Griffin, Seamless

*Imani's pov*

Sadly our dinner came to an end, we were both full and to my surprise Michael was pretty into the alcohol. He ordered about 3 bottles and he consumed all the 3 of them while i was sipping on a fresh lemonade.

It was definitely a mafia thing to drink lots of alcohol and still function like a boss, if that was me i would've been at the hospital by now. Michael rented a car for us to drive around with since he hated something called public transport. We were currently in the car driving back to the hotel and thats when things took a big turn.

"I don't even know what im trying...."

I looked over at Michael talking to himself getting a little confused over here. "What are you talking about?"

"Im talking about the fact that i came all the way here thinking to win you back yet you giving me
A harder time then i expected."

"W...what do you mean? You didn't even try anything you came to Marseille to help me you trained me for over a....."

"Why did you take me with you to Paris huh? Why you making me sleep in the same damn bed with you at the hotel?  Why you being so nice to me the fuck did i tell you about messing with me did you forgot?"

"M...michael pull over" something wasn't right for a minute he looked bipolar. "M..michael i sa...."

He slammed the steering wheel hard as fuck with his fist and took a sharp turn almost losing control of the steering wheel making my heart skip a beat. "MICHAEL S..STOP IT STOP THE CAR PLEASE!"

It was as if i didn't exist for him he looked so cold and so scary at the same time could he be possibly
that drunk...why on earth did i even let him drive of course he was drunk.

"Your drunk your not yourse...."

"I fucking Love you so much Imani why did you divorce me like that you don't know what im going trough..... you got the soft and innocent Michael out of me i cant even fucking  fall asleep without crying. Ive been going to therapy Lessons i want to become the best man you could possibly think of. I want to be the best father to Makena but here iam being a total failure. You changed my life the moment you came into my life, i know it was against your will but you changed me in a way not even my mother could. I did so many wrong things to you Imani i will never forgive myself for doing that to you. Woman i love you so much i just want you back in my life again i will fight for u........."

As shocked as i was staring at Michael the next thing i heard was glass breaking into million pieces followed by non stop bullets that were getting fired on us. I screamed out loud and felt Michael grabbing me from the back of my neck lowering me downwards making me fall down in front of the passenger seat on my knees.

I felt his body hovering over my small one making sure that im protected from the attack. All i kept saying to him was to drive away or to shoot back but he wouldn't move, i kept on begging him to do something and then reality hit me when i touched his chest feeling something liquid leak all over his chest down onto my hand.

I had to stay quiet and to not make a single sound or else none of us will get out of here alive. I felt my heart all the way up in my throat the urge to scream out loud and to cry was killing me but i had to follow this rule.

Until the shooting stopped which was about 2 minutes later i heard the sound of a loud car engine driving away from which seemed to be next to our car. I never let go of Michaels bleeding chest i tried to stop the bleeding and when i lifted myself up i noticed that he was shot not once but twice near the same area. I panicked and screamed out loud as i reached for my phone and dialed 1-1-2 (French Emergency line)

I was so scared to call for help from outside, there was a big change that we were being followed no wonder the attack happend. I took off my jacket and pressed it on his chest trying to make the bleeding stop.

"M..michael p...lease hold on ..h..help is on
the way j..just don't leave m..me please don't." I cried while begging him to not leave me.

"P..please don't go...a..all i have is you in my l..life Michael..you and Makena...please don't leave us w..we need you."

This city is huge and so is they're traffic, i wouldn't even arrive on time to the hospital.

I looked down at him with tears falling non stop and i just couldn't believe it. I cant believe that one day i would be the one crying for the man who took my life away and brought me into this dark and messed up world with him, and untop of that now that i look at him i would even sell my soul to the fucking devil just to bring him back to life. If i lose him ill burn the mafia down and make it vanish for good. The mafia brought him in and now they try to bring him down.

"I swear on my own fucking grave Michael. I wont let them get away with this Michael I'm going to fight for you, You need to remember that. Just don't leave me i need you by my side."


"police nationale française, madame sortez de la voiture. tu dois aller au commissariat"
(National French police, Madam step out of the vehicle your going to the police station with us.)

As i heard the french police yelling some shit in they're language i reached for Michaels phone, gun and wallet and hid them in my purse for his safety.
I didn't care about myself.

I stepped out of the car holding my
Purse shakingly playing the role of a average traumatized woman. One of the officers approached me and rubbed my back assuring me that im safe in theyre hands. I looked over at the car and at the ambulance that were helping Michael out to take him to the hospital. All i wished for was that if he would wake up he wont tell them his real name. The rules were different here they didn't allow me to go with him to the hospital but i had to go to the police station for an instant investigation, and since i used to be a accountant i had my way with those people.

NEW CHAPTER IS UP! COMMENT AND VOTE! For the next chapter.

Who planned the attack?

What will Imani do next?

What will happen next?

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