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A hand-drawn logo of the Black Guerrilla Family

Location: TATTOO 13, 4917 TELEGRAPH AVENUE, OAKLAND, CA, 94609

"Trey  your almost done nigga hold on before i fire your ass back home you wanna be one of us you gotta follow the rules homie"

After Michaels meeting with Imani he also had a meeting with a new member of the Black guerrilla family which was Trey he had to go trough the "Mafia initiation ritual"

To become a full member of the Mafia and become a "man of honor" an aspiring member has to pass a Mafia initiation ritual. The ceremony involves significant ritual, oaths, blood, and an agreement is made to follow the rules of the Mafia as presented to the inductee.
First, the new recruit is led into the presence of other members and presented by a member the association is explained including its basic rules.

Then the finger is pricked with a needle by the leader itself Michael , A few drops of blood are spilled on a card bearing the likeness of a saint the card is set on fire finally, while the card is passed rapidly from hand to hand to avoid burns, the new member says the oath of loyalty to the Black Guerrilla family. After this the newcomer has to also get an Tattoo of the BGF with some areas only: upper arm, chest or the neck. After that you'll become a official member.  

Michael himself added the Inking rule because  after his late father he noticed how many memeber that worked with his father escaped and ran away and never were found Michael was a very genius guy and he came up with this rule that even if you try the escape your havinf the maffia Family logo inked on you own body and if the police even caughts you your going straight to jail just where this whole gang started. But it never used to go like this, the late Joseph had its own meeting with a new member and all he left for his son was a description of a italian guy that worked with his father who died at an shooting :

Valachi gave description of the ceremony back then:

"I sit down at the table. There is wine. Someone put a gun and a knife in front of me. The gun was filled with bullets and the knife was what we call a dagger. Joseph
[the late leader] motions me up and he tells me all the rules. Then a member pricks my finger with a pin and squeezes until the blood comes out. What then happens, Mr. joseph  says, 'This blood means that we are now one Family. You live by the gun and the knife and you die by the gun and the knife."

And he never betrayed or failed joseph he died by a shooting still with the gun firmly in his hand. Thats what Michael wants to also he hates any betrayal or failure he wanted to be like his father but in a modern and much smarter way. Now it was impossible to escape the BGF.

"Im done Lord" Trey confirmed as i glanced at his fresh BGF in that he chose to get done on his upper arm a grin formed up my lips since i wasnt a smiler at all i suck at smiling. "Im proud of you you finna scare the world with you presence."

Trey nod and smiled proudly as he and Michael   Shook hands firmly and bro hugged each other and they both made theyre way out of the tattooshop and got in the car.

"Today is also your first job to accomplish Trey"

"What is it Sir?"

"Its gonna be your first time kidnapping homie and it gonna be a hot ass catch you exited?"

"Im all ready Sir"

"Call me Michael please you make me
Look old"

"Alright Michael" Trey said as he chuckled.

"Don Michael"

•Imani's pov•

"Dad what you mean you want 5000 Dollars again? you and mom Work i live on my own i work hard for the money i want to start a project why do you do this to me? Why cant i enjoy my own money and pay my bills?

"We want the money because your our daughter and we raised you to become this very big accountant alright! You can be 30 years old and your still gonna obey your parents am i clear! Dont try to escape or hide yourself or else you get jn trouble! And you better not be living with a "boyfriend or else your in double trouble!"

"This is ridiclious! Im a grown woman and i cant even have a love life this is bullshit!"

"Bullshit? Wealth and bussines is the most important thing in this world we want you to become a millionair you gotta work hard without no guys coming in your way dont forget daughter this day love is all about money they love for the money not for your heart!"

"Oh yeah and mother and you then !?"

"We started from the bottom we made it to the top together but you you got it all no one gonna break it but let me make everything short and clear...5000 dollars within 2 hours in my bankaccount have a nice day....."

"But da..."

Phonecall ends


•Michael's pov•

"So the plan is as followed, tommorow is monday its a working day for all the offices ,stores etc i visited her this noon and she doesnt have visitors in the weekend tommorow you make a visit at her office and i want you to use yo damn brains and find a way to get her in our car"

"A..alright do..."

"QUIET! did that plan even sound logic to you?"

It became quiet, Michael pulled a gun up from out his jacket and handed it to Trey.

"A person and a gun are very similar to each other
When you find and see the right target you shoot ? When you miss you lose a bullet? And when you fail...? you lose yourself ! This gonna be your very first test Trey The BGF aint the same as other maffia groups or the ones you see in the movie? We were made in prisons not in the streets! We fight not only against the government , the world but for our rights.
If we want money we get it without a problem, if we want a person we get not only one but a whole group now Trey its you time to show the whole gang how you can kidnap this smart and hot accountant for me it can be from at her work? At her car? Or even at home and if you succeed then you made it"

When the Don Michael wants something he gets it.

A new chapter hope you liked it ❤️ comment and vote for the next chapter!!

Black Guerrilla MJ-  18+Where stories live. Discover now