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If everything was perfect, you would never learn and you would never grow.
~Beyonce knowless

Oakland , California
"IMA....AAGH..ghhh..NI!! WER....rrGHHH...E....S...ORR....Y

*gunshots fired*

*next day*

Sicily, Corleone

"Breaking news"

"Good morning everyone, I'm Tom Sanders. We interrupt this broadcast to bring you the breaking news from Oakland about a murder that has happend last night at an house at 1715 23rd Ave. A old married couple got brutally killed in theyre bedroom while asleep. The murder left no trace but neighbors say they did see a tall male figure enter theyre house trough the Backdoor  around midnight. The two died by getting strangled first and getting shot in the head and chest.

We hope the Killer gets found and we feel sorry for all family and relatives of these two persons and mostly theyre daughter Imani who the neighbors knew as theyre only child . we'll be keeping you updated as new information becomes available. May god protect us all from evil and i wish you guys a safe and nice day."

*treys pov*

We were all in the kitchen sitting eating breakfast when the American news was on tv. Michael was still asleep Imani was preparing his breakfast over here at the kitchen and before we even knew we heard a loud gasp followed by the sounds of glass shattering in pieces on the floor.

*Imani's pov*

"M...MOM... DAD!!!...no....!!! NO!"
I couldnt believe my eyes just like that....my parents got killed brutally.... who did this who could possibly know my parents and kill them..?

I dont care what they did to me the fact that they sold me was horrible but losing them is the most painful thing that could happen to me. I felt everything around me turn dark flashbacks of the good old times i got to experience with my parents growing up as a child played in my head how they helped me to where i was today not here in sicily but back home how succesfull i was as an accountant they always motivated me and taught me to always keep going and to never give up.

The more known i got the more i earned the less lovely my parents became all they cared about was money money made them blind and made them forget that i was theyre daughter not theyre atm machine which led them to selling me to the most evil person.

Back in reality i looked around me as my eyes filled with tears they were all staring at me feeling sorry for the first time i saw emotion in Michaels men i broke down in tears like the scared little girl i used to be.

*flashback 8 years old Imani*


"Daddy wake up please"

"What is it princes whats wrong?"

"I had a bad dream im scared....it was about m..monsters..s"

"Monsters dont exist Imani your a strong girl right"

"B..but daddy why do these
Monsters Come to me?"

"Because they try to scare you but if you stay strong they cant hurt you or scare you they will leave"

"Promise me daddy"

"I promise you now come here come sleep with your mommy and daddy"

I climbed on the bed and jumped in my fathers arms i was always daddy's little girl i was his most precious thing on earth.

"Ill protect you from these monsters no one will ever hurt you or scare you beautiful"


He didnt kept his promise........ he
Broke my heart he got blinded by the money....

"Imani imani! Look at me! Someone get Her water RIGHT FUCKING NOW!"

I didnt even realize that i was knocked out in Michaels arms right now my body went numb when i was going trough that flashback all i could hear was Michaels voice from far away even tough i was right in his arms.


"Boss her parents got killed last night back in Oakland"




Everything around me turned black...

*few hours later*

I woke up in Michaels room and suprisingly he was holding me in my arms comforting me he was watching me the whole time cause the first thing i looked into were his deep dark brown eyes.

"How you feeling Imani?"

I just nod my head weakly, "I feel like shit Michael i lost my parents.... and i can never tell them goodbye... thats whats hurting me the most...."

He kept on rubbing my back gently trying to comfort me i could Somehow notice the sadness in his eyes.

"Im so sorry for your loss Imani i wish i could do something for you i know you hate me so much but if you need something ill be there for you beautiful alright?"

I was shaken by his words he was being such a gentlemen. He then kissed my head and lifted my chin up. "Whoever did this to your parents i will make sure to kill the person and all his or her loved ones"

I nod my head i didnt had any much more to say all i wanted to know was who did it.....?

"I gotta go i have some work to do ill leave my phone here with you just try to entertain yourself  alright if you need something go to my contacts there are only numbers of  my members and my Bussines number, it can be possible that unknown numbers or messages appear these are from secret people that work for me. Call my Bussines number cause i use that phone when im outside it doesnt have important information, in case something happens to me enemies cant reach my properties cause theres nothing on it."

"T..thanks Michael i promise you i wont do anything wrong i mean.. i guess all i have is you now theres no place for me to go..."

"I like your choice Imani but i gotta go now alright ill be back later ill bring us dinner."

"Alright Michael..."

As Michael made his way to the door i had one thing to say... "M..michael?"

"Yes Imani?"

"Be carefull"

He looked at me and for the first time he smiled the most warming smile at me before he left the room.

*Treys pov*

I heard the conversation between Michael and Imani and it was the perfect moment to Frame Michael right now since he left his phone with her. I know her nosey self will read whatever Text Michael gets.

Its been almost an hour since Michael left.

*Imani's pov*

I was watching Make up videos on youtube when a Message notification caught my attention. It was from an unknown number.

"Michael send me the 100k Dollars on my bank account mission is completed i killed Imani's parents like you told me to and you give me the money like you promised, and oh dont worry i got rid of all the evidence such as the rope and the gun."

And just like that my whole world shattered in pieces.....'

New chapter is up !!!!
Im sorry for the waitt last time i updated it was still summer break but im back!

COMMENT AND VOTE! For the next chapter!

And oh describe Trey in 1 word !

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