Oh no.

"And I don't have a date for Slughorn's party yet. He'd be greatly saddened if I didn't have a date and word would spread to my father about it. Would you want to go with me?"

I opened my mouth to answer, but I didn't know what to answer with. If I said no, I could go with Harry. But people already think Harry and I are a thing and I don't want to push it. Also, Harry might have a date. We haven't talked about it. I had nobody else to go with. He was right too; Slughorn wouldn't be to happy.

I saw, from the corner of my eye, Draco walk into the room. I made up my mind. I smiled and turned to the boy, "Sure, Marcus. I'd love to attend Slughorn's party with you."

"Great," he nodded. "I'll meet you by the Great Hall and we'll go there together."

"Sounds great," I nodded. And got 'em.

He went to his seat and people began to show up. We started the lesson. It took an hour, per usual. At the end, McGonagall came up to me before I packed up my things.

"Did you...Did you mean to say yes to Mr. Belby out loud, Ms. Meadows?" It almost seemed as if she was trying to hold back a smile.

"Yes, I did, Professor," I smiled. "I think he got the message just fine."

"That's awful, Bridget."

"But you're smiling, Professor," I stood up with a smile and left.


It was 4:29 when I entered the library. Right on time. Hermione was sitting at a table with a book in front of her. No, not just one; a stack of books.

"She looks busy," I heard Harry's voice next to me.

"Should we bother her this late?"

She must've sensed us because her head shot up. She looked at us and gestured towards the table. She got up; we made our way over.

She grabbed the books. We started down the aisles, putting up the books.

"So we're not actually here for the project, are we?" I asked.

"No," she shook her head. "Was Ronald talking about me when you were with him?"

"A little," Harry admitted. "Thinks your being a bit weird and...possessive..."

"Possessive?!" Hermione seemed pissed.

"You shouldn't have used that word," I glared at Harry.

"Well, he can kiss whom ever he so chooses," Hermione put up a book. "I don't care. I was however planning on going to Slughorn's Party with him."

"I hope you were able to find someone else," I commented. "It's coming up soon."

"I know," she sighed. "And I've adjusted accordingly."

"You have?" Harry asked.

"Yep," she nodded.

"Oh, well I was going to see if either of you weren't going with anyone than I could just go with one of you," Harry seemed disappointed.

"Ugh! I should've thought of that," Hermione groaned.

"I did," I nodded. "Then I was asked by someone...and Draco was right there-"

"Who?" Hermione asked.

"Marcus Belby," I told them.

"The guy who stuffed his mouth...with..."

I nodded and hummed in agreement.

"What about you, Mione?" Harry asked.

"It's..." she looked around. "It's a surprise."

"Surprise?" I asked.

"Yes," she seemed rather uncomfortable.

"I bet it's McCormac," I whispered to Harry. Apparently, she heard me and walked me with a newspaper she had folded up in her hands. We had gotten rid of the books thankfully. "Ouch."

"Now we just have you to worry about," Hermione turned to Harry.

"There's not much to worry about," I looked to him. "What about Ginny?"

"Pretty sure she's going with Dean."

"Really?" I was astonished. "Are they doing that again?"

"I guess," Hermione shrugged. "Well, Harry, you cant just pick a random person. Do you see that dark-haired girl to the left?" Hermione gestured with her eyes. I noticed she was staring with heart-eyes at my best friend.

"Romilda Vane?" I asked.

"Yeah," she nodded. "I've been keeping an eye on her and it seems like she's trying to sneak you a love potion."

"Wait, really?" Harry smiled, looking over to the teen.

"Oh please," Hermione won back his attention. "She only likes you because you're famous and believes that you're the choose one."

"I am both of those things."

Smack. Simultaneously, Hermione and I hit Harry. I hit him with my hand while she did it with that newspaper.

"Oh," he coughed. "Nevermind. I'll just...I'll just find someone cool. A different friend."

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