More light figures came and freed our friends, which made me so happy. Snape must've alerted the Order, and they came to rescue us.

I threw some spells at flying Death Eaters. A hand grabbed mine and pulled me to the other side of the arch.

"You two listen to me," Sirius looked us both dead in the eyes. "Take your friends and get out of here."

"We can't just leave you," I argued.

"We're staying with you."

"You guys have done a wonderful job," Sirius's eyes were almost tearing up, "but I can take it from here."

A blast hit the arch next to us. I saw, from behind Sirius, Lucius taking out his wand. I stood up and got in front of Sirius and Harry. Another Death Eater appeared next to Lucius.

Lucius whipped something out of his wand, but I blocked it. It almost looked like fire. Harry and Sirius got in front of me and began to duel the two. I couldn't help. But something came into my mind as I stood there, wand at the ready.

And the house of Black's rein shall end.

I looked around. Nobody was to be seen. Which I found odd because there were so many other Death Eaters. Something hit the arch next to me. I turned to Bellatrix, who was standing on a stone from a bit ways away.

"You missed," I smirked. I hit her with a few while she blocked them.

"Oh, I didn't mean for you dear."

We threw more punches at each other. I heard Sirius and Harry behind me. Sirius congratulated Harry on something, but I wasn't playing that close of attention. A grunt was heard from behind me.

I turned to see Lucius flying off. But another voice rang clearer, "Avada Kadavra!" A blast of green goes past me. Sirius takes one final breath. He disappears amongst the fog barrier.

Everything began to slow down for me as I turned to Bellatrix. Now was the time. Now. I ran after her like there was no tomorrow. I could hear people yelling behind me, but I couldn't have gave two shits.

I threw curses at her. I followed her down a hallway into the main area of the Ministry. Tears were streaming down my face. Pictures of my grandparents, parents, and Sirius flashed before my eyes. "Incarcerous!"

Ropes flew from my wand. It wrapped around her and began to tighten. I began to scream, "You little bitch!"

She stared at me as I got closer. I could see the fear in her eyes. I continued, "Were my grandparents not enough?! Were my parents not enough?! Why did you have to after the one family member I had left?!"

I hit her with a couple of jinxes. I could hear commotion behind me, but I was in such a state of anger and sadness that I couldn't help it. "You going to kill me now?" She asked.

"Kill you?" I chuckled. "I am going to make you suffer the same way you made me. And I hope you get what you deserve! You are such a monster!Expulso!" I hit the tile next to her. It exploded and got into her face. She groaned and coughed.

"Confringo!" I aimed above her head. That tile exploded. She tried to move to get out of its way. She still got hit. "Levicorpus!"

She was hanging by her ankle, upside down. I was about to give her a piece of my mind when a spell came flying past me. "Stupefy!" I turned and Harry was running up to us. He was also crying.

Bellatrix flew backwards. I smiled as Harry and I ran up to her. I stopped in my tracks as I heard a voice next to me, "Yes. Do it. Get your revenge."

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