Something blocked me from seeing that had just appeared. I heart stopped. He was looking directly at me. My wand appeared at my side and I clutched it. Voldemort was standing a good ten feet away.

He smirked at me, "I can see you. I know you can see me."

"Screw you."

"Bold words for you to use against me."

"Bold of you to take control of the Ministry."

"You ignorant girl," he smirked. "They did that on their own. All out of fear. Of me."

"I wouldn't pride myself on that," I took a step closer.

"Then what would you pride yourself on?" He asked. "Letting someone die right in front of you, not doing anything about it?"

"If you're talking about my mother-"

"Nope," he smirked, and walked into the next aisle. The room spun around me. I was now facing the other directions.

"Mr. Weasley?" I muttered to myself. "Oh god! Mr. Weasley!" I called but he couldn't hear me. "Arthur!" Tears were welling up in my eyes. I couldn't watch someone I loved die again. I ran towards him, "Mr. Weasley!"

He wasn't paying attention.

He turned around so I got in front of him, "Mr. Weasley! Listen to me! Run!"

His eyes went wide so I turned around. A large snake was making its way towards him. I pulled out my wand, "No!" The snake went right through me.


I woke up in tears.

"Bridget!" Ginny and Hermione were standing next to me. "What's going on?"

"Ministry!" I got up and ran out the door. Tears were still coming down my face. I met Harry as we both came out of our dorms. He seemed to be drenched in sweat.

Professor McGonagall came to the top of the stairs, "What's happened?!"

"Contact the Ministry!" I grabbed her. Tears were still coming down my face. "Department Of Mysteries! Arthur Weasley is down!" Hardy nodded quickly.

She grabbed Harry and I, "We must get you to Dumbledore."

"No, you must contact the Ministry first!" I told her. "Use a messaging spell! I can't let him die! I can't," I died down. She made a quick spell which was sent out of the window.

"Now, let's go. Weasley's come with us." Harry grabbed my hand as we were taken to Dumbledore. Ron helped me stay stable. He held the rest of me. Shushing me until we got there.

We arrived and Dumbledore had Harry y'all about his dream, "So in your dream, where you standing, related to Mr. Weasley?"

"Well, I...I was...please Professor, tell me what's going on?" Harry whimpered. I held onto Harry's hand. I tried to stop myself from crying. I had to be strong for Harry right now.

Dumbledore went around talking to the paintings while Harry kept trying to get his attention, "Professor? P...Professor."

I noticed Harry twitch before screaming, "JUST TALK TO ME!"

"Harry!" I shushed him. I stood in front of him and focused his eyes towards me. I stared at them. I got him to try and breath like me. While I had him distracted, I try to break into his mind. It didn't work. Something was blocking me from him.

I turned around, "Dumbledore, what's going on?"

"Can you got get through?" He asked me.

I shook my head, "Professor, I'm scared," I cling to Harry. He was my last shred of sanity I had left. I felt tears rolling off my cheeks. I turned to my left. Snape has arrived; for what reason, I did not know.

"You wanted to speak to me, Headmaster?"

"This can not wait, Severus. Not even until dawn," Dumbledore seemed rushed. I felt the fear raise inside. Why was he in a rush? What's going on with Harry? "Otherwise, who know what could happen."

Snape grabbed Harry by the arm and took him out. I tried to follow but Professor McGonagall caught my arm. "Stay here."

"What's going on? Where's Harry going? Why can't I go? Professors," I couldn't stop crying, "I'm scared."

The Weasleys left on a Portkey back to the Order. I sat in a chair across from Dumbledore. McGonagall didn't leave my side once.

"So, you had a dream too. What happened?"

I told him first about the prophecy that Trelawney told me when I took her stuff up. I told him my entire dream. I ended my story, still in tears. "I'm sorry. I tried so hard. I couldn't let him die. I couldn't-"

"You save his life, Bridget," Dumbledore reassured me. "You did more than you know."

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