Practice and Practice

Start from the beginning

"Bridget," Harry got onto me, "please don't gamble with the students."

"They were gambling first and I decided to chip in," I smirked.

He laughed and shook his hand as we continued.

The next day, another one of Umbridge's decrees were put on the wall. I read it aloud, "All students must submit into questioning about mischievous suspected activities." I was stunned for a moment. "Wait, that's not fair. We're minors."

One by one students were getting calling into her office. I thought one of us would be next. I was right.

"Ms. Meadows," she opened her door as another student came out. I noticed their lips were wet when I passed by them. I entered her cat infested office.

"Have a seat," she motioned to the other side of her desk. I sat down. "Would you like some tea?"

"No thank you," I politely declined.

"You shouldn't go dehydrated," she nudged it closer towards me.

"I'm okay, thank you," I pushed it away.

"Please, just a sip," she insisted, maintaining her sweet smile. "I made it myself. I'd hate for it to go to waste."

"I'm sure someone else will drink some," I nodded.

"Just a tiny sip?"

"You want to hear the truth?" I asked, leaning in.

"Yes," she got eager and leant in with me.

"I'd rather eat Voldemort's shit than drink your tea," I smiled. I sat back in the chair.

"That's not very nice," she seemed offended.

"So is trying to drug your students," I exposed her deadpan. "I know what's in that tea. You can't fool me."

"Well," she set down her tea she had been drinking, "then I'm sure we'll find other ways of making you speak."

"Like what?" I questioned. "Like the cruciatus curse? The one Voldemort used on me in the graveyard?" I asked. "Or...Or let me guess. You're going to kill one of my friends or family? No, you're going to torture them in front of me, then make me pick up the pieces? Or you'll send a dementor after me, just like this summer and say it wasn't you?"

She looked horrified.

I continued, "I've been through most of these, Umbridge. I can handle anything you could possibly throw at me," I smirked. "I don't crack easily. I'm not one of your china plates on the wall. Now if you don't mind me, I should get-" I knocked over the tea she poured me. I pretended to act surprised, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to knock over your tea. It was an accident I swear. Or just ask the Ministry. I'm sure they'll just blame Harry or Dumbledore, right?" I stood up and left Umbridge fuming.


"You'll know where to find me." I went down the stairs. I got to the other kids, "Don't drink her tea," I whispered. They all nodded and I was off on my own.

Later that night, we had another session. We were working individually with the ones who needed it. Harry was with Neville while I was with Nigel. He was an extraordinary kid. I got quite fond of him after a while.

The next sessions were rather boring. Except for one where Harry and Cho flirted a lot. The kids were getting even better at the stunning spell. I was becoming so proud.

Umbridge finally put out a sign about the Inquisitorial Squad. Said it was for extra credit. Made me extra frustrated I can tell ya that.

Every session we'd give encouraging messages while teaching. Not only did it help the student become for confident, that confidence helped out their performance a whole bunch.

Umbridge and the Inquisitorial Squad we're getting onto us. They'd follow us. Watch nearly our every move. It got annoying and dangerous.

Finally, Neville did the disarming spell correctly. "Expelliarmus!" The wand flew out of Pavarti's hand. Harry and I were walking around and happened to turn to Neville when he did this. Everyone stopped what they were doing.

"Yes! Neville!" I cheered. Everyone followed in pursuit.

After the session, Harry and I had some news to tell our students before we all departed. "So, you guys are doing great for having just started."

"This was our last session before holiday break," Harry commented. "Be practicing for those who can. Be prepared for next semester."

"Because next semester," I smiled, "we'll we working on the Patronus Charm." The teens began to cheer. Harry and I started to laugh. I continued, "It's harder than what you might think. So be careful. And have a great break!"

Everyone began to disperse. I watched as Harry kept his eyes on Cho. I grabbed Ron, "We're going to go now. You go," I gestured with my head towards her.

"Wait, where are we going? See ya later, Harry."

"I don't know, Ron," I asked, picking up my jacket and sliding it on. "Where do you want to go?"

"Could we go back to the common room and practice some things?" He asked anxiously.

"Oh can I join you?" Neville popped up.

I smiled, "Yes. Yes. Now come along. We've got things to do. People to see." I put my arm between Ron and Neville's. I turned around to glance at Harry. Cho and Harry were standing underneath the mistletoe. I smiled. It made me happy seeing Harry happy.

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