"Got it. No pink place."

I smiled, "I really need to get going. I'll hear from you later," I gave his right hand a squeeze. "Bye."

"Bye babe."

I turned the corner and started down the halls. I began to climb the Grand staircase. Umbridge was coming down them. She looked to me, "What are you doing out, Ms. Meadows?"

"Is there something wrong with taking a walk to Hogsmeade to relieve stress, Professor?"

"And what are you stressed about, dear?" Umbridge asked. I couldn't tell if she was being serious or not. "Maybe you need a cup of my special tea."

I'd rather eat the shit that came out of Voldemort's ass.

"Oh no. That's not necessary," I spoke. "It's just things that...you simply wouldn't understand."

She nodded. She didn't say anything next. She just continued on her way. I went on my way up the stairs. I smiled, God I hate her.


"Every student organizations are to be dissolved immediately. Any student who does not comply will be expelled."

"Told ya," I whispered to Hermione as we passed by the wall of ruling (Umbridge had named the wall she was to put all her decrees on).

"Shut up," she whispered to me.

A paper airplane landed on top of the books I was carrying. I smiled. We got into our next class. I opened the note immediately, Three Broomsticks. 5:30. Look slightly nice, I guess. I don't care.

"What's that smile for?" Hermione asked.



"Oh my god, Neville," I looked around the room. It was Friday night. Neville found a room the day prior. It was amazing.

"You've done it Neville!" Hermione nearly kept for joy.

"You've found the Room of Requirement," I smiled to him.

"The what?" Ron asked.

"The room of requirement appears to those who need it most," Hermione explained, "in whatever room they need most."

"For instance, say you needed a bathroom," I told him. "If you walked by here, it would make itself a bathroom for you."

"Fun fact," Hermione stepped forward, "it's also called the 'Come and Go' room."

"Interesting," I nodded. I ran forwards. It was so big. I smiled when I turned to our small group, "This is perfect. Big enough to fit groups of people. Small enough it won't be seen."

"So, Hogwarts is wanting us to fight back?" Harry seemed excited.

"Yeah," I nodded. "She's on our side." We agreed to have our first meeting late on that Saturday night. I spoke to Harry and he understood if I was going to be late.

Saturday night rolled around faster than I had planned. I got dressed in a nice sweater and jeans. I grabbed my purse.

"Have fun!" Hermione called to me as I left. I turned back to the girl, who had her face stuck in a book.

I smiled, "Don't party too hard." She looked up. I zipped out the door without a second notice. I zoomed out of the common room and out of Hogwarts. I almost ran into several sneaky couples.

I smiled. A snowflakes landed on my face. I wiped them off with my sleeve as I continued on my way. I entered Hogsmeade. Everyone seemed to be in a cheerful mood. Probably because it was closer to Christmas.

A middle age man and I ran into each other. I didn't mean to. I went to apologize but he continued on passed me. I thought he looked oddly like Dumbledore. But it wasn't Dumbledore.

I shrugged it off. I found The Three Broomsticks. I smiled and walked right in. It was a little crowded. I smelt a bit like body odor and alcohol, but the smell wasn't as bad as I thought.


I turned to my left. Draco was waving me over. I made my way around the people and tables. I sat across from him, "Hey."

"Hey," he slid a small box across the table. "Happy Belated Birthday!"

I gave him a look, "Seriously?"

"Oh, just open it."

I took the box. I opened it and I smiled so wide. I was looking down at a circular-shaped locket necklace. I took it out, "Thank you!"

"Open it!"

"Okay!" I laughed. I opened it. I was shocked, but happy, about the photo. I don't think I had the right facial expression on.

"Where..." I almost got choked up. "Where did you find this picture?" The picture I was looking at nearly made me cry. On the left was a moving picture of my grandparents and parents. They were smiling. They were happy. They were all gone.

"I have my resources."

My eyes teared up with joy. I hadn't seen a moving picture of all of them together.

"Awe, don't cry," Draco came over and sat next to me. I sat my head on his shoulder as he snakes his left arm around my shoulders.

I laughed when I looked at the second picture. It was a picture I remember taking with my Polaroid camera during third year. It wasn't a moving one though.

I wiped my eyes, "Thank you so much!" I gave him a hug that I wished would've lasted forever.

"Here let me put it on you," he took it. I turned around. He slid it around and clipped it. He went back over to his side of the table.

I gripped it, "Thank you! Thank you so much!"

"Anything for my princess."

I tucked the necklace into my shirt, "So what was that thing with Umbridge you were going to talk to me about?"

He unzipped his jacket slightly. On his sweater, he had a pin. Inquisitorial Squad. I furrowed my eyebrows, "What is it?"

"Umbridge has asked me to be part of her group that has people follow the rules," he smirked zipping up his jacket.

"That's means you have to follow them too," I commented.

"Only when people are around," he put his elbows on the table.

"Did you want to do this?" I asked.

"Well, my father highly suggest I should because it would get me good with the Ministry."

I scoffed, "Of course he did."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Draco," I lent forward, "you're good with the Ministry anyways. Your father works there."

"But what did you mean when you said of course he did?" Draco seemed to get defensive.

"I'm just saying, I don't trust her. I don't like her. The Ministry isn't being very kind to me recently. And after what happened in the graveyard..."

Draco didn't say anything. He seemed to be thinking of what to say next. Instead I jumped in, "Legs just forget about it. Let's stop talking about it. Congratulations, I guess."

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