Dumbledore's Army

Start from the beginning

We opened the door. It fell open with a loud, long creak. Inside was a large man and, what I assumed to be, his goat. It ran off and he went to fetch for it.

"This is a dashing place, 'Mione," I said sarcastically.

"I thought it would be better if we chose a more...old fashioned place. Nobody would look here."

We went inside and sat in front of a fireplace. Students began to slowly come in. We waited until a good amount showed up. I was a little surprised. So many showed up.

"Hello," Hermione acknowledged them. "We're here, as you all know, because we need a proper Defense Against The Dark Arts teacher. One who's fought the Dark Arts before."

"Why do we need another?" A kid from the crowd shouted.

"Really?" Ron asked. "You really asked why? Because You-Know-Who's back."

"Because Harry says so."

"Because Dumbledore says so," Hermione corrected this git.

"Because Dumbledore and Harry says? Where's your proof mate?" This kid was getting on my nerves.

I stood up, "You want to see proof?" They all went silent. I continued. I lifted up my shirt to expose my stomach. Surprisingly, I still had blue and purple bruises that were still healing from Voldemort kicking me.

A few gasped.

"You want more, better proof?"

"Bridget," Hermione tried to stop me.

I pulled my chair in front of the kid, "I was tortured by him kid. Imagine being stabbed by dull knives all over your body. Then having boiled tar poured into those wounds. It hurts like a bitch."

He looked scared of me for a moment. He opened his mouth and shut it just as fast. I smirked and lent back.

"Do you think you both could tell us more about how Diggory was killed?" A different kid asked. My muscles all stiffened. I got uncomfortable just by him saying Cedric and killed in the same sentence.

I heard Harry groan next me, "We are not going to just talk about Cedric and I don't feel comfortable talking about it. If that's why you came, you might as well just leave now."

He began to whisper to Hermione but it was too quiet for me to hear.

"Is it true that you both have performed the Patronus Charm?" Luna asked.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Both of us can."

"It's amazing," Hermione spoke up. "I've seen it."

"Really?" Dean seemed interested now. "I had no idea you could do that."

"Didn't you kill a basilisk, Harry?" Neville spoke up. "I'm Dumbledore's office?"

"Underneath his office, actually," I answered.

"In our third year," Ron got excited, "they both fought off hundred of dementors!"

"And Bridget can turn into an animagus," Hermione added.

"Sh!" I shushed her.

"Wait what's an animagus?" A kid asked.

"It's when a person can turned into a certain animal on command," Hermione mentioned. "But they can only be one animal. And actually, since Bridget is underage and not tagged, it's kind of illegal."

"Can you show us, Bridge?" Fred asked.

I sighed, "Alright. But nobody can tell." I closed my eyes and focused. A rush of wind came in. I opened my eyes and tons of kids were surrounding me.

"Oh my god!"


"What a cute little doggy!"

So many people were complimenting me. It felt great. I felt someone running behind my right. Now that's the spot!

"Alright, Bridge," I heard Hermione call. "Human form please. We need to continue this meeting."

I transformed back and a few people we're knocked on their butts. I brought my chair back to Hermione's left side and sat, "Trust me when I say, we did fight Voldemort."

"What you guys are saying and doing," I looked behind me and Harry was looking at me with his eyebrows raised, "sounds really awesome when you say it, but most of it was out of pure luck. I've always had help, otherwise I didn't know what I was doing."

"He's just trying to be humble," Hermione piped up.

"No, he's not," I shook my head. "It's true. But he can be our help," I turned back to the people. "We can help you."

"But here's something," Harry commented. "When you fight the Dark Arts, it's nothing like fighting in school. If you ruin something or make a mistake, you can try again."

"With the Dark Arts," I understood where he was coming from, "you rarely have a chance to try again. As you can tell with Cedric Diggory. And you guys don't know what it's like being seconds, moments, from death."

"Or watching a friend die before your eyes," Harry spoke in a soft tone. "It hurts like nobody can imagine."

"We may not know what if feels like," Hermione nodded, "and that's why we need you guys. So that either we can suffer together or not have to suffer at all. If we have any chance at beating," she paused, as if to find the courage to say it, "Voldemort."

"So is he really back?"

I looked to a younger kid. His eyes were filled with fear and sadness. I turned to him, "Yes, but Hogwarts is one of the safest places in the Wizarding World. We won't let anything happen to it. Besides," I turned to Harry and smiled, "we'll teach you how to protect yourself. Won't we?"

He sighed, "Yes. We will."

Many 'yes's came from people's mouth. Everybody seemed so excited. People began to come up to our paper slip. When everyone had signed it and left, it was just us four. I looked at the paper, "Guys, I don't think we should call it Dumbledore's Army."

"Why not?"

"Because what if the Ministry, or Umbridge, find out about this?"

"They won't Bridge," Harry assured me.

"If you say so."

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