Bianca Di Angelo

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"Are you ready to go?" Kori asks me.

"Where's Hunter?" I ask her.

"Getting my niece and nephew." She says leading me out of the tent and to half blood hill. When we get there Hunter's standing on the top of the hill with Maria and Nico who has our kids talking to some of the demigods. Suddenly one of the girls starts crying.

"I-I can't." She tells the boy who's trying to comfort her and runs away. Hunter's obviously confused.

"You just remind her of someone." The boy that was comforting her tells him.

"I know. It's just that, I remind her of me." He says questioningly.

"You were here before. Maybe your paths crossed." I suggest.

"Maybe." He says still unsure.

"Ready to go?" I ask him.

"Yeah. Let's go." He tells me. I take Rylie away from Nico and Alex runs over to Hunter himself followed by Maria. I grab my husband's hand and he teleports us back home. As soon as we appear Hunter's regent is asking questions and telling him things. You have to be 2200 to be king and Hunter's still only 1722. Hunter ignores him and just tells one of the nearby guards to tell Eros that we're back.

"Hunter, are you listening!?" Neil, his regent, asks him. Hunter motions for him to follow and walks off with Neil following repeating what he said earlier. I can't help but sigh. He's always so busy now. That's why I was so happy to follow him to camp. When he isn't here he's not as busy.

"Maria, can you watch Alex while I put Rylie down for the night?" I ask.

"Of course." She tells me. I go to the nursery and put Rylie in the crib. After about 10 minutes she's asleep so I go and find Maria. I find her and Alex in the library looking at the pictures and painting.

"Is that dad?" Alex asks Maria pointing at a picture of a 12 year old Hunter playing with 2 boys and a girl around the same age. All 4 look really happy with huge smiles but Hunter also has a scar over his eye.

"That's your dad, that's his friend Wyatt, that's mr. Greg and that was Wyatt's sister, Jacklin." Maria explains pointing to the kids one by one.

"But now it's time for bed." I tell him.

"Ok!" He yells and runs to his room. I thank Maria then go to his room. Befor I get there I see some of Hunter's guards then Neil and Hunter. Neil's still wearing a suit while Hunter's now wearing a white T-shirt and blue jeans. If it weren't for the guards and Neil he'd look like a normal 22 year old.

"You have a meeting with representative singe tomorrow." Niel tells him.

"What does she want?" Hunter asks Niel.

"She wouldn't say but it's not political." Niel tells him. "That's all for now."

"I'll see you in the morning then." Hunter tells him and he runs off. Hunter turns into the training room before he notices me so I continue on to Alex's room. When I get there Alex is already asleep so I turn off the lights and go to the training room. I sneak in and sit on the couch. Hunter's training with the punching bag. His hands are wrapped in bandages after what happened the past few times and his shirt is beside me on the couch. One of the seals hides all his regular scars so the symbols stand out a lot.

"Hey." He says not stopping but his punches and kicks increasing in power. The punching bag already looks like it's going to fly to the other side of the room

"Hey. It's getting late. You should sleep tonight." I tell him. "Why did you need to clear your head?"

"You know me to well." He says with a small smirk.

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