Hazel Levesque

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"Lee?" When I woke up he was sitting next to Solisse who had fallen asleep with her head on his shoulder. His eyes are red and dimly glowing but I decided not to bring it up.

"Hey Hazel. Do you need something?" He whispered back trying not to wake Solisse.

"Can't sleep. I can sense all the things down here."

"So can I. Don't worry they won't attack."

"How can you be absolutely sure?"

"Like Solisse said, this is my 757th time.... You fought the giants right? Think of it this way. You've already fought and survived what all the others here are scared of." His words helped.

"Thank you."

"You should try and get some sleep." I suddenly felt very tired.

"Yeah. See you in the morning." I said and walked back to the tent. But the strangest thing happened. As soon as I fell asleep it felt like I was back out there. Then I saw who was there. The twins, Molly and Lee were sitting in front of me. I remember hearing there's and Nico's voices earlier but not being able to understand. I must be picking up some of Nico's memoirs. I could see Lee talking but there was no sound. I concentrated and I could hear Lee's voice.

"I got stabbed in the side and cut on my head. The world went dark for a second and all I could see was Kronos and krios. I never saw it coming." He tells everyone and they all look at him with shock. He just hangs his head. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." He told them but his girlfriend looked like she was finding it hard to trust his words.

"Lee, look at us." She told him and he looked up into her eyes. "We need to know when things happen so we can help." He thanks them and they jumped at him, tackle him in a group hug. He just groans in pain and everyone quickly backed away.

"I literally just told you I got stabbed and the next thing you do is tackle me." He tells. Soon everyone else is laughing. Nico must have also noticed that the mist over his eyes was gone and started to stare. When Lee noticed he looked away. Befor anything else could happen I was woken up by a burning in my lungs. When I look around no one else is in the tent. I leave to get a drink of the fire water and see everyone, who needs to, doing the same thing I was about to do.

"How did you end up sleeping?" Lee asks from his spot beside Solisse. When I look at him I can see he's favouring his left foot so he most likely got stabbed in the right side. I have to fight myself not to give him a look of pity.

"Good. Did you get any sleep?"

"Don't worry." He tells me but I can't stop worrying about him. As we're packing up camp I keep stealing glances at Lee. He keeps spinning his ring. Solisse goes over to talk to him and by the end of their conversation she's playing with her bracelet. She goes and talks to Fos. By the end of their conversation his hand was running over his leather band. What's happening?

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