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Why did the prince spend his day with a bunch of regulars. He looked like a normal guy when he was in the training room or the study. Now we're waiting for him to come down. People have already started coming inside and Tartarus isn't happy that he's not down yet. The prince suddenly appears beside the king. The king is wearing a very similar black suit to earliers and the prince is wearing a white dress shirt with black dress pants and black shoes with his coat draped over his arm. I can just hear there conversation.

"You're late." The king remarks.

"You're the one who didn't want Kori here." The prince says putting on his coat.

"You're excused. Go talk to people." The king says and the prince walks away. The prince doesn't get ten steps before he's surrounded.

"I'll tell you what you want to know tomorrow." He tells them while doing a lot of weird jesters with his hands. The crowd reluctantly agrees and walks away. As he crosses the public area, where I'm still sitting, camaras flash in his face. Everyone else already went into the invitation only area. His expression stays blank and impassive yet his eyes scan the crowd. His eyes land on me, he smiles for a second witch makes all the girls in the crowd practically melt and leaves the path that's made so the people with invitation can get through without any hassle. He walks over to me and the crowd parts like the red sea. When he gets to me he offers his hand.

"Are you coming Emma?" He asks smiling at me. I take his hand that's calloused, probably because of his fighting. He helps me up then rests a hand on the small of my back as he leads me back to the blocked off area. Camaras flash and I can already see the headlines. When we reach the invitation only area the guards quickly part to let us through. "I'm not sure if I'll see you again this evening so please enjoy." He tells me then walks off to talk to a middle aged couple. He shakes the man's hand and gives the woman a small hug.

"You've grown so much." The woman tells him.

"You have become a very handsome young man." The man remarks.

"It's good to see you too aunt Rhea, uncle Crius." He tells them.

"How is your memory that good. I can barely remember what half my sisters look like." Rhea tells him.

"Rhea, we can't keep him here all night. He has responsibilities." Crius tells her then turns to the prince. "Go now before she gets talking again."

"I hope that we'll see each other again tonight." The prince says then leaves. He only gets a few steps before a group of girls swarm him.

"Prince Astrlee." They all say and curtsey.

"Hello ladies. Can I help you with anything?" He asks them.

"We just wanted to make a greeting tonight." The girl who's obviously the leader says. Solisse seems to see the group of girls surrounding the prince and makes her way over to them. She gets to them remarkably fast and the prince sees her.

"Hey." He greets her with a smile.

"Hey. Why weren't you down earlier?" Solisse asks him getting through the group of girls.

"Kori." He tells her. "What did I miss?"

"Nothing really but you should go talk to Gaia. She's not happy." She tells him.

"Ok, I'll make my way over there. Thank you. " He tells her then gives her a kiss on the forehead. He turns back to the group of girls. "Enjoy the festival." He tells them then walks away with Solisse.

A new enemy (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora