Astrlee (Lee) Luna

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I hate fighting. I don't know why anyone would want to fight. The demigods didn't fight. We're on the move now. The demigods are walking beside the river so they can stop when they need to. Molly and Fos are walking with them. Fos needs the firewater and Molly's scared. Solisse and I are walking closest to the darkness beyond the river. I can sense a lot of monsters just beyond our line of sight. We've probably been walking for a day now and the demigods are walking really slow.

"Let's set up camp." Solisse tells everyone. The demigods, thankful, start right away. After camps set up the demigods go to sleep.

"We'll take first watch." Fos tells us as Molly nods in agreement.

"See you in a few hours then." I tell them and find something to rest my back on as I rest a little. I find a rock in the shadows and sit on the ground. I close my eyes and I sense Solisse beside me but I don't care at the moment.

"Lee? You said I could check and see how you're healing."

"Come back later."

"Lee?" I hear her sit down and feel her hands at the hem of my shirt. I look her right in the eyes.

"It's worse than the last time you saw." I warn her but she doesn't listen. When she lifts my shirt just a little bit she gasps. I laugh a little. She runs her hand over all the scars on my side under my shirt until she touches the wound on my side. It feels like fire erupted inside me coming from it.


"Get up!" Tartarus yells at me after he threw me on the ground. "You are no longer a child. Stand!" All I feel is terror as I stand watching him. I know that whatever happens is going to hurt but it won't last as long as if I didn't do as he says. He takes a step closer but I don't dare move. "Such a nice face, shame to ruin it." He says and a dagger made of silver and imperial gold appears in his hand that's near my head.

"Please." I whisper so he can't hear but I hope someone can.

"There's a reason no one cares about you. You're supposed to be strong as the prince and as my son but you're sick and you won't get better." He growls. I know it's true. No one cares or should care about the spoiled kid. No one should have to deal with me because I'll never be healthy. I should just be happy they let me stay here. He cuts just below my eye and it burns. I know not to make a sound at this point. When he doesn't get a reaction he cuts from my forehead, over my eye and down to the corner of my mouth. Fire burns across my skin with every touch of the knife. I deserve it.

"Hunter!?" I hear Amy call and Tartarus disappears. Amy comes into the training room and I keep my head down. She sees me and comes over but she knows something happened, she always does. She tilts my head up and gasps when she sees the markings. "I thought this stopped?" She asks and I can see the tears in her eyes.

"We just got a little carried when training today." I try to convince her. "I deserve it anyway." She looks sad then furious. She slaps me in the face so hard that I fall onto the ground. I feel terror rise in me when I look up at her. She looks mad but I don't know why. When she sees my expression she covers her mouth.

"I'm so sorry Hunter." She apologizes. "It's just, never say that again. You don't deserve this. He hurts you and only 4 people, including you know." I'm still trying to calm down. I thought I could trust her. I was going to tell mom but I don't think I can trust anyone. Amy looks disappointed and Tartarus' words from before come back

"Weak, pathetic, broken. Who would care about you? You're nothing but a 7 year old boy. Can you think of one reason to keep you around? Because I definitely can't other than Gaia likes you. You're like a pet and sick pets get put down. Do you know what that means? It means they kill them."

"Hunter, I missed you and I'm sorry. I hate hearing you say that about yourself." Amy keeps talking but everything is muffled and black dots dance across my vision. The next thing I remember is waking up in my room. Gaia is crying and my head is pounding.

(End of flashback)

A yell escapes me,I flinch and put my hand over the wound.

"Ah! Let's not do that, ok?" I say closing my eyes tightly to deal with pain.

"I'm so sorry!"she almost yells and wakes up everyone.

"It's ok." I try to calm her before she wakes the demigods.

"Are you ok!?"

"Yes." She Let's out a sigh of relief.

"Can I stay here with you?" She asks quietly.

"If you promise not to do that again?"

"Not tonight." She promises then sits down beside me. She curls into my side, careful not to touch the wound again, and rests her head on my shoulder. I put my arm over her shoulders as she drifts into sleep. I feel my eyelids get heavy and close my eyes.


I wake up to see Hazel, Piper, Jason and Frank talking.

"I know what I saw and heard." Hazel tells them.

"Lee would be showing signs of fatigue. He'd probably have a limp and he wouldn't be walking for a day straight. No one would be able to." Jason tells her.

"I have to agree with Hazel. He's constantly talking to Solisse about something." Frank tells them.

"Yes but no one can fight like that after being ingered. No one can fight like that ever." Piper tells the group.

"I would agree with you if I didn't see it with my own eyes." Frank tells her.

"Look, why don't we just ask him if it's true?" Hazel offers. They all agree and go back to the tents after getting a drink. I'm still just waking up so I don't quite make out what they were talking about.


We're all walking again when Hazel, Frank, Jason and Piper walk over to Solisse and I.

"Can we help you?" Solisse asks them.

"Lee are you ok?" Jason asks avoiding Solisse's question.

"Yes" I tell them but never stop walking.

"How are you feeling?" Piper asks trying to use charm speak, witch doesn't work on me.

"Fine at the moment. How about you all?"

"Great" Piper replied.

"Scared" Hazel answered.

"Worried" Frank admitted.

"Ok" Jason tells us.

"Do you need anything else?" I ask them.

"No" was Jason, Frank and Piper's answers.

"Did you get hurt in my father's palace?" Hazel asks. How did she find out?

"Yes." I decided to answer truthfully incase Nico told her.

"Was it Kronos and Krios?" She asks quietly this time.

"Maybe." I tell her "I don't know who."

"What happened?" Jason asks.


"Ow!" I yell to in protest because Aiden still can't hit an arrow anywhere near a target so he hit me in the shoulder. I take the arrow out and it's already healing. He's using iron tipped arrows for a reason.

"Sorry!" He yells. "Maybe I should just stick to healing. Your scars are fading. Also having a 8 year old teach you how to shoot is humiliating."

"I was 6 when I taught Amy but she was a natural. Does that make you feel better?" I ask him.

"A little, thanks." He tells me. "So what happened?" He asks gesturing to the new scars on my arms.

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