Solisse Olympus

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Nico, Molly and I are taken outside befor the royal aperence. There're trillions of crechers here. Luckily we're brought to a balcony that looks to the big one that Lee's family's going to be on. We haven't seen any of them since breakfast. My thoughts are drowned out by the cheers of the crowd as Gaia comes out followed by Kori. Both are wearing expensive dresses and accessories. The crowd keeps their volume as Tartarus steps out but go absolutely crazy when Lee comes out last. They're all wearing their crowns. Tartarus is wearing a suit that's completely black and Lee's wearing one that has a white dress shirt. He looks really royal. His expression stays blank as his eyes scan the crowd. All the girls are going completely nuts. His eyes land on us and we all give him encouraging smiles. He returns them with his own supermodel one that makes the girls go even crazier. Tartarus waits for the crowd to quiet then steps forward with Gaia. Lee stays where he is with his hands behind his back and feet shoulder width apart solidly on the ground, his expression returns to a blank one, he looks very regale.

"I'm pleased to announce that there will be a festival for the next two nights in the palace, in honor of prince Astrlee's return. You must have one invitation for a group of 5 or have permission from a member of my family to enter. The invitations were sent to our usual attendants and 200 were sent randomly. Enjoy the Festival." Tartarus tells everyone gathered. Korie decides that she's going to be childish and teleports onto Lee's back, practically hanging off his shoulders. The suddenness of the action caught Lee off guard and he yells out in pain. Everyone looks really confused and concerned except for the ones that knew what happened yesterday.

"Kori." Her mother scolded after teleporting Kori to be beside her. Tartarus went to check on Lee who's taking off his coat to check the ingerie. The shirt on his shoulder is now stained with blood and everyone in the crowd gasps.

"I'm fine." Lee tells the people that came to help. He walks over to Kori who started crying when she saw what had happened. He drops down to her level so that they're eye to eye. "It's not your fault." He tells her. She hugs him and continues crying. No one makes a sound for about a minute and Kori's crying echoed around the square. Everyone watches the siblings interaction. Kori stops crying and looks at her brother.

"I'm sorry. You said not to do that and I didn't listen." She tells him.

"It's fine." He tells her with a warm smile that makes all the girls in the crowd practically melt. I'm not worried, Lee's my boyfriend and I trust him. Lee's eyes turn black for a second, Tartarus seems to see it too.

"Everyone close your eyes." Tartarus tells the crowd who follows his instructions. Lee pulls Kori to him and she hides her face in his shoulder. I close my eyes at the same time as him. There's a bright flash and silence. I decide that it's ok to open my eyes again to see Chaos standing over Lee and Kori Lee's eyes are open and the irises are that starry black an is his hair and clothing. He's not looking at the creator of the universe in front of him but making sure that everyone's ok.

"Is everyone ok?" His voice echoes through the square. People start opening their eyes and everyone nods their heads. Chaos waists no time after that and send a flying dagger to Lee. He teleports Kori to her parents and sends the knife right back at her. "You really want a rematch after what happened yesterday?" Lee asks her. She ignores him and uses her powers against him. I notice that he's actually stoping them and not just deflecting. Stopping her takes a lot more energy and power then deflecting. He's obviously not getting tired by her attacks and she makes the biggest mistake she can. She sends daggers at both of his family's. He stops them and is now taking the offensive. She can't keep up with his attacks. She falls to the ground, Lee waves a hand over her and she disappears. He looks really tired and he's ingered again. There's another blood stain on his shirt where his ribs are. He falls onto his knee and people start screaming. More people come to him to help, among them is Tartarus.

"You really need to stop getting into these fights." Tartarus tells him while offering him a hand.

"It's not my fault she can't not be a stalker." Lee tells him accepting the hand and Tartarus helps Lee to his feet. The screaming stops when Lee's back on his feet.

"You just love to upset your parents don't you?" Lee just gives him a smile that makes the girls go crazy again, even some boys. Just then another girl I don't recognize that's about our age comes running from the castle and slams into Lee. For some reason Lee seemed to expect this one and clenched his jaw.

"Don't you dare do that again!" She screamed at him.

"You know I can't promise anything Maria." Lee tells her. Some of the girls in the audience that look human like us but with small things that show that they're from here (like how Lee has red, gold, black and green eyes), are all saying things like. "How does Maria know the prince?", "How did she get onto the balcony?" And "How does the prince know Maria?"

"Can you at least promise to rest after this?" Maria asks Lee.

"The whole family's here, what do you think." He tells her. Then Lee notices the girls that were talking about Maria. "You brought friends?"

"I hope it's ok?" She asks him.

"Don't worry about it." He tells her.

"Thank you!" She said excitedly. She went onto her toes and give him a kiss on cheek. Why is this girl kissing my boyfriend! He bends down a little bit and whispers something in her ear. "We are so talking later." She says to him then runs off. Tartarus and Gaia leave a few seconds after her. Kori and Lee leave after them. Not 2 minutes later Kori comes to our balcony.

"Come on. I'll take you all to Astrlee's study." She says.

"Where is your brother?" Nico asks her.

"He went to get changed then to show Maria and her friends around." She tells us. Does Lee have another girlfriend?

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