Solisse Olympus

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We've been walking for what feels like a few hours when my twin brother runs up behind us.

"The demigods want to set up camp?" He asks us for permission to stop and set up.

"They can set up camp. You two should join them." Lee tells us.

"Where are you going?" I ask as Fos walks back to the others without hesitation.

"Far away from the campers. I don't want them asking questions that I don't have the answers too." He tells me.

"I'm coming."

"No you aren't. You're going back to camp."

"I'm not leaving you alone." He gives up and walks over towards the camp but out of there sight. I follow and sit beside him. His eyes are closed but he's not asleep.

"Do you need to talk?" I ask.

"No. What I need is time to figure this out." He tells me trying to stay calm. I decide not to push my luck. I rest my head on his leg and he plays absentmindedly with my hair as I drift into sleep. Just before I slip into sleep his hand stops. I open my heavy eyelids. But I'm wide awake when I realise what's happening. His eyes are glowing and he's clenching his jaw. I try to snap him back to reality when I notice that every few seconds a fresh wound would appear. I lift his shirt a little bit to be relieved that their wasn't any deep cuts... yet. When I hear a muffled cry of pain come from Lee I know I can't help by myself. I rundown to the campsite and am relieved to see Fos's on patrol with Magnus.

"Fos, it's Lee. Please help." I say to him.

"I'm coming." We run back to where Lee is to find him still not in control. But as we approach him the glow in his eyes dulls to what it was before. He's just staring into the darkness. I decide it's safe to get closer and slowly approach him. When I get closer I see that he's fighting off the pain and that his arm's clenched tightly to just under his ribs.

"Lee?" I ask. He just keeps staring.

"Lee?" Fos trys. No response. I walk over and lay beside him. I rest my head on his leg again. He doesn't look away but his hand finds its way to my side so I give Fos an 'it's ok' look and he goes back. We stay like this for a few minutes and I'm starting to feel sleepy again when I remember he's holding his middle. When I look back up I can see blood stains on his shirt but it doesn't look new. I look him over and all his new cuts have healed to scares or scabs. I close my eyes again and drift into sleep.


"Solisse?" I wake up to someone shaking me slightly. "I know you're up." The Male voice says again. I role over and my head hits something hard but warm. I hear Lee scream out I pain. I instantly bolte upright.

"I'm so so so sorry! Can I help?" I'm slightly freaking out over my boyfriend that I just made feel pain.

"Just a new ingerie." He trys to reassure me but I can hear the pain seeping into his voice.

"No it's not. Let me see?"

"You don't want to. It doesn't hurt to bad." He trys again. I'm tired of his avoiding and just lift his shirt to his shoulders. I can't keep in a gasp at the sight of the new wounds. There's a big, long jagged scar just below his ribs, a smaller cut between his bottom ribs and a stab like scar just beside his heart.

"Lee..." I whisper to him.

"I told you not to look but you didn't listen."

"This is bad... who did this?"

"I don't know." He sighs in disappoint.

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