Astrlee (Lee) Luna

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"Keep her here. I have to deal with this." I tell Solisse as I push Kori to her. I then run of to stop my parents from killing each other. I run down the hall until I reach the dining room doors. I lean in the doorframe and watch my parents argument.

"Erebus, you good for nothing--" Tartarus starts but was cut off by Erebus.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence Tartarus."

"At least you're both brighter than Gaia, Eros, Nyx, and Orianose." Hemera adds then the room breaks into a complete disaster. I just stay where I am and watch the chaos unfold. I watched for a few minutes but when weapons are summoned I know I'd have to step in.

"What exactly, do you think you're all doing?" I ask them from my spot in the doorframe. They all look up and look guilty, except for Erebus. He glares at me and looks like he wanted to kill his siblings. I return his glare. No one else but my family knows but I can't use my real glare with below god, I've been through a lot and learned lots.

"Sorry son." Was muttered as all the primordial's put their weapons away, except for Erebus who threw his dagger at me. I waved my hand and the dagger did a sharp 90⁰ turn and hits the side wall. I smirk at his expression of slight confusion and overwhelming anger at my actions.

"Too powerful for a 16 year old. Shouldn't even be here." He mumbled.

"Just be happy I don't hate you for doing that." I tell him then address everyone. "Don't kill each other." They all nod in response and I make to walk away when I sense a dagger flying at the back of my head I focus on it. It appears in my hand just before it would have hit me. I turn around quickly and throw it full speed back to Erebus who barely managed to dodge.

"What was that for?!" He yells at me.

"I don't appreciate family members trying to kill me for their personal gain." I remind him.

"So what about Tartarus?" He asks. I knew that would get out eventually.

"We made a deal." I tell him.

"And what if I want to make a similar one?" Erebus asks.

"Then we can talk. But until then, keep your daggers to yourself." I tell him trying to stay calm.

I turn around again but look back to them when I hear Erebus mumbling.

"Good for nothing, lazy, selfish--" All the primordial's in the room were glaring at him or urging him to run before I cut him off.

"What was that?"

"Just that you're a lazy, selfish--" before he can keep going I have him pinned to the wall.

"Never say that again." I spit at him.

"Yeah? And what's a 16 year old kid going to do? You don't even have your weapons."

"As you saw earlier. I adapte fast and work faster." I tell him.

"You don't stand a chance."

A new enemy (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now