Isabella DeWolf

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"You hugged him!" Krissy yells at Jemma during breakfast in the cafeteria.

"Who did you hug?" Joshua asks sitting down at the table.

"Lee and I are childhood friends. That's all." She tells us.

"No one's just childhood friends with someone who looks like that." Krissy tells her. Just then everyone's pagers go off. I check mine like everyone else. 《You have been warned.》is what's written. Jemma takes one look at it then runs off. I follow her up to the surgical floor. She goes to the prince's room but no one's there. She runs to the pediatric wing. When we get there the prince is talking with some of the kids with Solisse. He comes out of the PCCR with Solisse and Jemma jumps at him.

"Goodmorning to you too Jemma." He says slightly startled and not bothering to hide his accent.

"Thank the gods." Jemma says.

"What's happening?" He asks her.

"We all received messages that say 'you have been warned'." She tells him and backs away.

"That's vague. Why did you come looking for me though?" He asks

"You're the heir to the crown of England." She tells him bluntly.

"Exactly. I have guards that follow me around 24/7. You should be checking on the other people." He tells her.

"When are you leaving?" She asks him randomly.

"In 20 minutes. Why?" He asks her.

"How many guards are going with you?" She asks.

"At least 30, probably more. Apparently I have to at least have 2 with me at all times." He tells her obviously annoyed.

"That's a good thing. Nothing will happen to you with lots of guards." She tells him.

"I was taught at a very young age that the more guards, the more danger and the more people. People means reporters and I've never liked them." The prince tells her. "Now I'd like to live for another few days so I'm going to go downstairs before my family gets mad."

"Bye." Jemma says and attacks him in a hug that he returns.

"Goodbye Jemma." He tells her. After a few seconds he pulls away. Solisse takes his hand and leads him down the hall. Krissy and I follow them to the lobby. We see the rest of his family, minus the queen and king who left yesterday, down there. We bow to them but they don't seem to notice us. They're more worried about the prince.

"Are you absolutely certain you'll be fine on the plane?" Princess Camilla asks him.

"Yes, mum. I'm certain that if it was any danger then my doctors wouldn't let me go." He tells her. "I'll be fine as long as Meagen and Kate stay sober this time." He says pointedly at his sister in laws.

"We know not to drink on the plane, but I still don't know what you have against drinks?" Princess Meagan asks him.

"I've had terrible experiences when someone was drunk." He says softly to the ground.

"What happened?" Princess Kate asks. Solisse grabs his hand reassuringly. He takes a shakey breath and looks up to his family.

"When I was 14 the anesthesiologist was drunk and I ended up waking during heart and lung surgery." He tells them slightly wincing at the memory. He walks away followed by 6 guards. They all emidietly look sorry for him. Solisse bows to them then runs after the prince. We follow her after a few seconds. She goes out to the small garden that was made for patients like the prince who have a hard time breathing. The entire garden is trees, bushes, plants and a small fish pond. Their are guards in the hall but they let us pass. We walk out to the garden and follow Solisse to the pond where the prince is sitting on one of the benches. He looks at the pond with a completely blank face, devoid of all emotion. Solisse walks over to him and stands beside the bench.

"Yes?" He asks her after a few seconds.

"Change back. You're obviously in pain." She tells him holding out a small metal box, a little bit bigger than her hand. He whispers something to her and the box disappears. How did it disappear into thin air!? She sits down beside him and traces fingers on his back. "Are you ok with all of this? We all planned it without so much as asking you."

"I have to get out of here somehow." He tells her then princess Camilla went over to them.

"Lee, I should tell you something. Charles and I aren't your--" she starts but is cut off by the prince.

"I know I'm adopted." He tells her. She look surprised. This is huge! "I've known for years." He admits.

"How?" She asks still confused.

"My parents found me." He tells her then laughs dryly. "Not very nice people."

"What do you mean?" She asks. He doesn't answer so Solisse repeats her actions from earlier.

"Show her." She tells him. "She deserves to know." When he doesn't do anything she sighs and lifts the back of his shirt. There are so many scars. Some from blades but I don't know what the others are. They cover his entire back and some of the cuts are still bleeding. How did no one see this? Solisse sees the cuts that are still bleeding and looks at him a little bit confused, scared and definitely concerned. They have a quiet conversation and she puts his shirt back down. Princess Camilla hasn't moved a muscle.

"I know it's bad. Can we just leave?" He asks them. They all agree and go back to the lobby. We wait for 30 seconds before following them. When we get there all the doctors, nurses and a lot of the patients are in the lobby. The guards following the prince  go and take post at all the doors and doorways. "I'm really sorry but I'm late as it is. Goodbye everyone."

"We just came to see you off. Goodbye Lee." Dr. McKenzie tells him.

"No offense but I hope I don't see any of you soon." The prince says. The guards make a circle around him, princess Camilla and Solisse and they leave. We all watch them go. The crowd outside is deafening even from here. When they're about half way to the car a gun shot goes off and the guard that was standing right beside the prince yells in pain. He starts to fall but the prince catches him and gently lowers the man to the ground. The crowd screams and most run but the reporters keep recording. The police officers that were trying to keep the crowd back are now looking for the shooter. Some of the doctors and nurses run out with a stretcher for the guard who lost consciousness. 10 guards bring Solisse and princess Camilla to the car. The other 29 stay with the prince and their shot comrade. The prince stays with the guard despite the other guards telling him to go to the car. The prince waits until the guard's inside before going to the car and sending 2 other guards to stay with their comrade. All of this happens in only a few minutes.

A new enemy (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora