Paul Blofis

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"Enjoy your weekend!" I yell to my last class of the day as they leave. Percy sent me a message that Lee had to leave early but I still don't know why. I grab some of the papers I still have to grade and go to visit Lee in the hospital. Luckily there isn't that much traffic today.

"Hello." I say to the nurse at the desk who's reading a magazine.

"Hello sir. How can I help you?" She asks.

"I'm just here to see one of my students." I tell her.

"The pediatric wing is just up the stairs." She tells me.

"He's not in the pediatric wing. I'm here to see Astrlee Luna." This finally gets her to look up from her magazine. She pushes a button on the desk.

"Maxwell to the reception desk, Maxwell to the reception desk." She says and it echoes from the PA system. Not a minute later another Nurse is here. "Maxwell will take you over but according to the system he isn't in his room right now." She tells me then the new nurse brings me over to Lee's room. Like the first nurse said he isn't in his room. I look at Maxwell again and notice he looks a lot like Will.

"Your job must be easy due to your parentage." This catches him off guard.

"I don't know what you're talking about?"he trys to play it off.

"My step son's percy Jackson." I tell him.

"So you're Paul. Nice to meet you." He tells me.


We've been talking for almost an hour when almost my whole first period class walks in.

"Mr. Blofis, we thought you'd be done by now." Molly says suprised.

"He actually hasn't been here since I got to the hospital." I tell them.

"I'll go check the system." Maxwell offers. Then leaves the room.

"What type of cancer does he have?" Christian asks.

"Stage 5 lung and brain cancer." A doctor comes in and tells us.

"Where is he?" Solisse asks.

"We moved him again. Visiting there's a lot more strict. You can all come back tomorrow morning or wait in the waiting area for about an hour." The doctor offers.

"Why did you move him again?" Annabeth asks.

"We had to restart his kimo radiation therapy. That with two different types of cancers spreading and his latest injuries. And that the press is probably going to find out about him. We had to move him somewhere with better response time and more privacy. He's up on the surgical floor now." The doctor tells everyone. "Some of our surgical interns are prodigies. They might give him a hard time on rounds tomorrow, though."

"You told them not to touch him if he's asleep, right?" Solisse asks her.

"I told them but the chance they weren't listening is quite high. If you just go to the 3erd floor you can't miss the waiting area. You can stay there for the next 45 minutes." The doctor tells us. Her phone beeps and she looks at it quickly to literally run off.

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