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When Astrlee disappears I grab Kori's shoulder knowing that she's going after him. Not a second later we're in Astrlee's room where he's sitting on the edge of the bed obviously trying to calm down.

"Astrlee?" Kori asks with confusion and a little bit of fear.

"I'm sorry. It wasn't meant to go that far but when Erebus threw the daggers, I lost it." He tells us. "I don't have full control in that form. I know I can gain control if I trusted myself when I'm like that." He sighs. "I'm so sorry." Kori runs over and tackles him in a hug.

"I love you, Astrlee." She tells him.

"I love you too, Kori." He says hesitantly returning the hug. "You shouldn't have seen that." He tells her.

"Kori didn't follow her mother's rules and saw why it is a rule." I tell him in the most reassuring way I can. I'm not very good at the whole dad thing.

"Please don't lock me in my room like you do to Astrlee." Kori asks.

"I'm not very good at this parent thing, am I?" I ask Astrlee who puts his sister on the bed beside him gently.

"If it helps, you're a better parent than Chaos." He says.

"Is she never there?" I ask him. She wasn't there for me and my siblings.

"Opposite. She's always there. Always listen and watching. It's creepy. She's overprotective." Astrlee tells me. His eyes flash to black then back to normal. "Kori, close your eyes really tight." He tells her sternly then holds her so her face is buried in his chest. There's a bright flash of light from behind me and I close my eyes just after Astrlee. When I open my eyes Kori's crying into Astrlee's chest. He's trying to calm her down not bothering to see who came. I turn around to see Chaos. I don't know what to do. I haven't seen her in thousands upon thousands of years.

"You're upsetting her, go away." Astrlee says still trying to calm Kori down.

"Astrlee, look at me for once in your life." Chaos tells him.

"Go. Away."

"Not until you look up."

"I have every right to ignore you completely if I please. Just be happy I started talking to you."

"I'm not going to be here soon. Come with me. You have to be trained."

"I never asked for this. Leave." There's a moment of silence then Chaos breaks it.

"You only started talking to me when it was about the girl. I know you wouldn't be talking to me if it weren't for the child."

"Leave me, my friends and most importantly, my family, alone."

"Astrlee, you need to come with me. I'll leave everyone else alone if you come." Chaos offers him. Astrlee looks like he's actually thinking about it. I open my mouth to try to convince him not to go but he beats me to it.

"I'm needed here. Not just for my friends and family."

"Astrlee, I will protect this planet."

"Leave. now."

"You are a child, you can't make the creator of the universe leave."

"You're starting to sound like Erebus. I just dealt with him. If you don't believe me then you can stay, for now."

"If you just used your energy than you will be weak." She tells him. She doesn't do anything to indicate that she's leaving. Korie appears beside me and starts crying again. I don't know what to do. I'm not a parent, I'm the primordial of H*ll. When I look up again Astrlee looks the same as he did in the battle against Erebus. Chaos trys to use her powers against him but he deflects using his own powers. It keeps going where Chaos attacks and Astrlee deflects until Chaos starts to slow her attacks. She's getting tired. Astrlee sees this too and takes the offensive. He sends her flying to the opposite side of the room and walks over to her crumpled figure. He waves his hand and she disappears. He never once looked directly at her. His eyes change back to normal, his hair turns brown again and his clothing changes back as well. Korie teleports beside him and taps his leg. He looks down at her.

"Yes?" He asks.

"Your shoulder." She points out and sure enough their's a cut on his shoulder from one of Chaos' flying blades.

"It's fine. I've had worse." He tells her. I emidietly feel guilty. I've done worse to him. At that moment I swore to myself that I wouldn't let harm come to my son.

"But you got a cut? Come on, we'll go get some bandages." She tells him pulling on his good arm.

"I'm ok Kori. How about you go find the others and come back here?" Astrlee suggests. Kori's happy to do something so she runs off to find the others.

"You're a better parent to her than either of her actual parents." I tell him.

"You don't have any experience with kids." He says with a shrug.

"And you do?"

"I was put in charge of training the new hybrid demigods on Olympus in combat." He says and leans back against the wall.

"How in the world did the son of titans and primordials get that position?" I ask him.

"I don't know."

"We know you excel in armed and power combat. How good are you with hand to hand?"

"I don't know." He admits. Just then Kori comes back in with Astrlee's friends. The younger of the 2 girls Astrlee came with ran over and crushed him in a hug.

"We thought they killed you." She tells him sadly.

"Obviously I'm alive." He tells her. She looks up at him and sees the cut on his shoulder. She takes a step back to see if he got any other ingeries.

"What happened?"

"Don't worry." He tells her.

"Was it the fight with Erebus?" She asked.

"You were spying on my family?" He asked her.

"Sorry." She says obviously ashamed. He smirks at her.

"It's fine. You were looking for Kori, right?"

"Yes." She replies almost to quickly.

"Well if you have seen Erebus you probably know who won." He tells her.

"So when did you get the cut?"

"It's nothing important." He tells her and she looks to Kori.

"A scary lady with black eyes, hair and clothes came. Astrlee changed to look like a boy version of her. She attacked him with really strong powers and they fought. She got tired and Astrlee won." Kori tells the group. The girl turns back to Astrlee.

"Nothing Important, Lee?" She asked him. Lee? Astrlee turns to his sister.

"Why did you tell them?" He asks Kori.

"Because they were going to find out anyway." She tells him. He looks back to the girl.

"It is nothing important. She isn't here anymore." He tells her.

"Lee, you need to let people help from time to time. You should know that more than anyone." She tells him. There's that name again. He doesn't respond and just looks at the ground. When he doesn't say anything for about 10 seconds and doesn't move the girl looks worried. She shakes his good shoulder a little bit.

"Lee?" She asks him. He looks up at us and his eyes are filled with worry.

"You need to leave." He tells us. I teleport everyone else out but me and him. Erebus was coming and he's mad.

"Be safe." I tell him then leave as well.

A new enemy (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum