Amazon (Amy) Luna

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"Hunter?" I ask him. He's completely zoned out as he takes his anger out on the punching bag. "Hunter?" I try again to no avail. "Hunter!" I shout this time and he stops but doesn't turn around.

"What?" He asks anger obvious in his tone.

"You need to stop." I tell him.

"Why?" He asks just to completely ignore me and continues to destroy the punching bag.

"Please stop?" I beg him but he's not listening. "Hunter please!" I shout at him. He just keeps going. "Hunter, you're going to reopen your cuts!" I grab his shoulder and make him stop by pulling back and down on it. He turns around and looks at me with silvery eyes filled with anger.

"Do you want this bag to be Aiden?!" He shouts at me.

"No, but--" I don't finish because he turns back to the bag and continues mercilessly beating it. "Hunter stop!" I shout over the sound of him hitting the punching bag repeatedly. "Hunter! You need to stop!"

"Really?" He asks but doesn't stop. "Why's that?"

"I can't watch you hurt yourself!" I shout at him.

"Then leave." He tells me.

"Hunter, I won't let you hurt yourself again!" I shout and even I can hear the quiver in my voice. He stops and looks at me. "You're my little brother. You have to stop before you get hurt." I'm practically crying now. The anger in his eyes disappears and softens into an expression of guilt.

"Amy, I didn't know you felt that way. I'm sorry." He says softly, all anger gone. He takes a step closer to me and puts a hand on my arm. I fall into his touch. He's the only Male I actually have interactions with that aren't even in the slightest bit hostile. He might be my younger brother but he's my only connection I have. He ties me to the world.

He pulls me into a hug and I cry. He's the only person I let see me like this. Tears stream down my cheeks and soak his shirt. After about 2 minutes I pull away but he still holds me at arms reach.

"I'm ok." I tell him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes... Thank you."

"Just tell me next time I'm being an idiot." He tells me.

"I will." I tell him. "Are you ok?" I ask him. I'm selfish for forgetting all that's happened today. He lets go.

"Just a slightly less then normal day." He tells me.

"You're really bad at reassuring the people who care about you." I tell him. Their's a small pause in the conversation. "I'm sorry about Aiden. I spend the most time with him and should have seen it coming."

"You didn't do anything. Aiden's the one who opened the box. He knows what happens when you don't direct the powers back." He says.

"I still feel somewhat responsible." I admit.

"Don't. It's Aiden's fault." He reassures in the only way that actually calms me. Then I notice that his hands are bleeding and so is his arm where the ice got him.

"Come on. Let's get you cleaned up." I say pulling him to the bathroom. I wet a cloth with cold water and put it over the cut on his arm. He inhales sharply but doesn't pull away so I dab the cloth on the wound until I think its clean. I wash off the cloth and repeat but with his hands.

"You know you don't have to do this." He says as I start with his hands.

"Just let me take care of you for once." I tell him.

"Thanks." Is his reply and I'm once again reminded that he's still a living person. Not a machine. He's just so blank. You have to know him to see the little signs. I accidentally drag the cloth, he winces and puts his others hand over mine to stop me.

"Sorry." I say sheepishly.

"It's fine." He says flashing me that smile. It's probably the only thing he shares with Aiden but it actually look right on Hunter. I can't help but smile back. Their's a few moments of silence.

"How did you make the hurricane?" I decide to ask him.

"I'm still the heir of the universe." He says almost embarrased.

"Right." I say. Then I hear Aiden from down the hall.

"Hunter?!" Aiden's voice carries into the room. Hunter looks like he's ready to kill him and with the curse he just might. Just before we heard Aiden Hunter's hair was almost white and his eyes were silver but now his eyes turned red along with his hair. Weird but right now I'm more concerned that Hunter's going to kill Aiden.

"Hunt, don't do it. He's not worth it." I try to calm him down but I can tell he's fighting the curse. I reach into my pocket and find the metal box he gave me earlier. I pull it out. "Hunter, I can do it again." I offer gesturing to the box. He shakes his head.

"Just give me the box." He says. I know what he's doing and I remember the warnings Tartarus gave us about doing it. Only Hunter's actually allowed to but it's still very dangerous.

"Don't die." I tell him and hand over the box. He opens it and puts the opening so it's on his palm. He closes his eyes in construction and his hair color changes to brown. When he opens his eyes they're bright blue again. He looks calmer, but only slightly and his breathing is slow and shallow. Just then Aiden comes in and I don't even see Hunter move but now he has Aiden pinned to the wall. Luckily the curse isn't bothering him anymore.

A new enemy (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang