Aiden Luna

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"H-Hunter?" I ask terrified as he has me pinned to the wall. My feet are dangling because we're face to face. Hunter's a foot taller than me and almost 2 feet taller than Amazon. His eyes are cold and I'm certain he's going to kill me until I realize that he doesn't have his powers so the curse is subdued. I'm still pretty sure he's going to kill me.

"Did you even think?" He practically growls.

"N-no. S-sorry Hunter." Don't look at me like that. He's terrifying! He drops me and I'm absolutely shocked. Literally! As soon as my feet hit the ground I'm electrocute! "Ow!" I yell in protest. I'd rather not be shocked again so I do the most idiotic thing I can. "I challenge you to a spare tomorrow morning."


"Do you have a death wish?!" Jacob yells at me as we enter the dining room.

"Maybe. I did challenge Hunter." I admit.

"You definitely have a death wish!" Jacob continues to yell.

"He won't have his powers and therefore the majority of the curse." I tell him.

"Did you discuss that?"

"No but its Hunter. We all know he'll do something to have some control."

"We might know Astrlee but we don't know the curse!" Jacob starts yelling at me again.

"Too late now. Here he comes." I tell him as Hunter comes in with everyone under the age of 2000. Everyone glares at me as they pass. But the most peculiar thing happened when I made eye contact with Hunter. His eyes and hair turns red. Amy puts a hand on his arm. His hair turns white and his eyes go back to silver as he turns to look at her.

"Sorry." I just hear him say to her. Then Kori goes over to him and pulls on his arm. His mode brightens and so does his appearance. His hair and eyes turn a teal color. Everyone near him becomes happy instantly. Even I can feel it from here.

"Astrlee!" She whines. He raises an eyebrow at her. "It's dinner time!" She all but screams. He smiles at her.

"How about you go with Maria for a minute. I have to talk to Amy." He tells her and the color of his eyes and hair turn back to silvery colors. Kori runs off to find Maria as Hunter leads Amazon to another room.

"What was happening to him?" Jacob asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What do you mean?"

"The color thing."

"It must be a side effect of the blessing."

"I seem to be connected to his emotions."

"What makes you think that?"

"When he looked at you it was red and he's mad at you. It's silver and white when he's blank or having almost no emotion. Blue, green when he was happy." Jacob lists off.

"Yeah. It's a nice change though. He's always so blank."

"Don't be all family with him. You two are fighting tomorrow!"

A new enemy (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now