Amazon (Amy) Luna

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Hunter's been out for almost a week now. The hybrids and demigods are all devastated. We explained to the gods that he was taken over by Chaos and told them not to tell him. Tartarus still wants him to think that that form is dangerous. It's hard seeing him like this.

"Artemis! Ares to Artemis!" Ares yells snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry." I apologize.

"We're all worried but we need to keep going." Athena tells me.

"You're worried? You aren't his sister." I tell her.

"How about we come back tomorrow?" Poseidon suggests. Everyone agrees and I teleport to the hunteress'. I'm taken by surprise when I see Grace, Fos and Solisse here. All the hunters are happy to see Grace, almost all are happy to see Solisse but about half of them are ready to kill Fos.

"Hi Artemis." Solisse greets.

"General, Lutenit, Fos." I greet them in return.

"Artemis." Fos says at the same time as Thalia says,

"Lady Artemis." All the hunters look shocked.

"I don't mean to sound rude but why are you all here?" I ask them.

"Probably the same reason as you. We can't just sit with him." Fos tells me. His sadness evident.

"I get it. Please join us on hunt." I offer him.

"Lady Artemis, with all do respect, he's a Male." Padama, one of our newest recruits, speaks up.

"It is my decision who comes on hunts and this Male is close to the General, lutenit and my family." I tell her.

"General?" Eliana, she's only been with us for 7 months, asks. Solisse gives me a 'don't you dare' look but Grace beat me to it anyway.

"For everyone who hasn't met her, this is Solisse Olympus general of the hunt and the only one of us who can date."


"I think we all needed that." I tell Fos, Solisse and Grace. We've now spent almost a week in the woods for the hunt.

"Yeah but I couldn't stop thinking about him." Grace tells us and we all agree.

"I'm going back. It's been another week. Something might have changed." Solisse tells us. We all decided to go with her so I teleport all of us to Olympus. "Sam!"

"Yes miss." A small man runs over with a huge smile on his face. "I was actually just coming to get you. Astrlee's waking." He runs off down the hall and we follow him.

"You have to rest. You're still hurt." I can hear Aiden's pleading from here.

"Aiden, you might be a healer but you of all people should know what happened to that healer back home." Hunter!

"Can you at least identify the people in these pictures? I know it's hard but can you try?" Aiden asks him. We all stop when we hear this. Aiden comes into the hallway and makes his way over to us. "Good news first?"

"Talk now!" Grace screams at him.

"The good news is that he's awake and he's going to be ok. The bad news is that he has a little bit of amnesia. He's struggling with peoples names mostly.   He said that he could remember everything he did with the person and everything about them, but everytime someone said their name or even he said their name it's like someone turned off the volume for just that one second. He seems to remember everything else though." Aiden tells us.

"Can we still see him?" Solisse asks.

"I'll go see if he's up for it. He only woke up 5 minutes ago." He explains then goes back into the room. He comes back out a minute later. "You guys can come in but I'm not sure if he'll remember your names." We walk in and Hunter's sitting on the edge of the bed looking at a picture in construction and frustration. He looks up when I come in. He gives me a weak smiles and I hold my breath, even if I'm almost in tears just seeing him awake.

"Hey Amy." He tells me. Now I'm in full out tears. I feel arms wrap around me and I bury my face in a guys chest. I cry until I have no tears left and look up to see Hunter. "Are you ok?" He asks me.

"I should be asking you that." I tell him.

"I will be ok. Now answer the question." He tells me.

"I'm just really happy." I tell him.

"That was more than just happy." He says pointedly but quietly.

"We'll talk about it later." I whisper to him. He nods and pulls away. He stumbles a little bit and Aiden grabs his arm.

"I'm fine Aiden." He trys to reassure him but Aiden looks like he's going to yell at him.

"Let him be Aiden." I tell my twin. Aiden reluctantly Let's go of Hunter's arm but still watches him as he sits down again. He looks at the others.

"Lee?" Fos asks.

"I'm sorry. I can't seem to remember your name." Hunter tells him.

"What do you know about me?" Fos asks him.

"We've known each other since you were a kid. What do you want me to tell you?" Hunter asks.

"The day I turned 14 you told me something important. What did you say?" Fos asks.

"I told you that you were so wrapped up in your own feelings that you couldn't see that the girl you liked liked you too."

"You do remember."

"All but your names." Hunter tells him.

"But you know I have more than 1?"

"Everyone in this room has more than 1 name." Hunter tells him.

"In this form and my Roman one I go by Fos. In my Norse form I go by ljós and I'll remind you of my Egyptian name when we talk to Carter kane next."

"Thank you."

A new enemy (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن