Astrlee (Lee) Luna

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This is a dream that will become relevant near the middle of the book. Astrlee is 13 in this.

I'm sitting in the bleachers of the Olympus training center watching the new hybrid get a lesson from Athena.

"Now, you are to only use your one weapon. There's only 4 exceptions on Olympus for that rule." She looks up at me and smiles. "One of them is here today. Maybe he can give you all a demonstration." She tells them almost too happy. "Astrlee, come down here!" She yells up at me. I get up and start walking down. I can hear all the kids murmurs.

"Isn't he the one who doesn't spare?"

"He's the son of titans!"

"Why is he aloud to use lots of weapons? The gods shouldn't even trust him." And many others.

"Hurry up! We don't have all day!" Athena yells at me. I teleport beside her.

"What if I don't want to help? I don't need more stares when I walk around." I tell her. The kids seem startled by my sudden appearance.

"Because you are a demigod." She says matter of factly.

"Not a demigod, so I don't have to listen to you."

"Don't make me fight you." She tells me.

"I don't see the others anywhere. You know you don't stand a chance at even a good fight without them." I tell her. Athena sighs in defeat. The little ones gasp. Athena admitting defeat only happens to Solisse, Fos and I.

"Just give me the ring." She tells me. I take off my ring and throw it to her.

"What do you want? You just took away my weapons." I ask her. One of the kids pipe up.

"You have a cyclops made weapon? What is it?"

"Weapons." Athena corrects the poor kid.

"How? Even for Solisse and Fos it's charms or symbols. I've never heard of a object that has more than one weapon. How did the cyclops make it?" The same kid asks.

"It wasn't made by cyclops. It's the only weapons of their kind on Olympus." I tell him.

"Who made it?" Another kid asks.

"My parents." I tell them and they back off. "Now, why did you want it?"

"Go get some throwing daggers." She instructs. I hold out my hand and feel the heaviness of that arm, then 6 throwing daggers are in my hand.

"Get to the point." I tell Athena.

"Show the kids how to use them." She tells me. There are 6 targets behind me so I turn around and realise the daggers at the same time. All 6 hit the bullseye. I turn back to Athena and ignore the kids shocked faces.

"Happy?" I ask her.

"Not yet." She turns to the kids. "What other weapon do you want him to show you?" All of the kids raise their hands. "Tianna?"

"A sword." A little girl tells her. Athena looks at me expectantly.

"Where are Solisse and Fos when you need them?" I mumble as I call on a sword. Athena snaps her fingers and Ares is there.

"Ares, Astrlee needs a sparring dummy to show the kids some weapons." Athena tells him.

"I'm not going to almost die today." Ares tells her.

"Fine, both of us will spare with him." Athena offers. They both summon their weapons and armor. They get into fighting stances.

"Why the armor?"

"So you don't actually send us to Hades." Athena replies and they attack.

"Are we using powers or should we see how well you two do without?" I ask them lazily deflecting their attacks.

"Don't you dare take them away again." Ares calmly threatens.

"Ok." I say then raise my hand out to them. They're emidietly disarmed.

"I'm out!" Ares yells then disappears. Athena says the same but stays.

"Can I go?" I ask her.

"While we have you, could you help the kids with their magic?" Athena asks.

"Wouldn't Solisse be better at this?" I ask her.

"The gods know about your family, Hunter. Apollo told us. If anything you're more qualified for this." She tells me.

"Remind me to kill Aiden later" I tell her and change my form. The kids look at me shock evident on their faces. Artemis starts to bow but I stop her with me powers.

"Don't even think about it." I tell her.

"Sorry." She tells me mischief obvious. I releases my hold on her. "Kids. Astrlee hasn't told many people but he has other parents who include Chaos." She tells them. "Hopefully he'll show us all some of his powers."

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