Solisse Olympus

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Will found out Lee cuts. I hope it's not an apollo repeat. When Apollo found out he stalked us for weeks.

"Speaking of cuts..." I trail off.


"You said I could see after the others left." He sighs and pulls his shirt off. It still enrages me to see this many scars on the only love I've ever had. But when I look at his chest I see 3 long gruesome scars making an X with a line going down the middle. All of the scars meet over his heart, where his skin still hasn't healed and I see why his heart beat is so slow and shallow. I try to hold back the tears as I look at him. I can't move. I'm frozen in shock, anger and helplessness.

"I told you it was bad..." Lee said unfreezing me.

"I still need to know." I tell him as calmly as I can but my voice is probably shaking. I'm holding back tears as I look at the cuts and scars. I take a step forward and touch his left side at the bottom of his ribs. The only response I get is a short but sharp breath. I trace the gagged scar that created a horizontal line under his ribs. This one was shallower and I get the same reaction. I'm hesitant to even skim the newest marks. When I look up at Lee his face is devotion of emotion. He doesn't do anything so I reached forward and put my entire hand in his chest between 2 of the markings. "Don't do anything stupid that could make it worse, ok?"

"Fine, but if we get attacked..." I know I can't stop him if others are in danger. I nod and see his silent thanks through his broken red, gold and black eyes. We break apart and Lee puts his shirt back on. I can't get Fin out of my mind and I know it's a touchy subject for him but I have a question.

"Lee? We're you thinking of Fin earlier?"

"It's always replaying in my mind. When we were talking it paused for a second... it was wired."

"You actually smiled though. I miss when everyone was happy."

"It's not that simple anymore. My brother did a lot and I'll never forget him. But I know I look a lot like him now and he was always smiling. I don't want to be a reminder."

"Is that why you don't let yourself be happy? For us? Lee, we thought you were too sad to smile."

"I have my own ways of dealing with it." He shows me the scars on the inside of his arms. "I never thought you were all that worried? I'm sorry I put you through that."

"I'm just happy that you're not completely dead inside." I joke a little. He looks offended and sad.

"Did you just call me dead inside? At least I don't hide my PTSD with a smile and jokes." he shoots back.

"That hurts." I say in mock offense. Then the unexpected happened. Lee laughs. He never laughs, ever. His laugh is amazing and makes me feel happy. I never understood contagious laughter until now. He stops abruptly.

"Better?" Lee asks. This makes me laugh witch makes him smile. I love Lee but I missed this part of him. Now that it's back I couldn't be happier. This is the Lee that everyone on Olympus loves and the person the gods raised. This is the pre death, pre quests, pre war Lee. I look over to the tent to see Molly and Fos are staring at us with huge smiles on their faces. I wonder how much they heard?

A new enemy (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें