Solisse Olympus

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Lee's words keep replaying in my mine. What if it was me? What if they threatened to kill me to keep him from doing anything against them? What would that be like? What would he do?

"What would you do if it was me?" I ask Lee.

"It would probably make me angrier and want to harm them more. If anything happened to you I wouldn't know what to do. If it weren't for you I'd be dead right now."

"Good to know."

"What are you planning?" He pulls away.


"Whatever." He mumbles and leads me back to the others. When we get there Molly signals me over and Nico, Jason, Grace and Will want to talk to Lee about something. Probably his cutting. They're the only demigods that know. Lee reluctantly goes to talk to them and I go to talk to Molly.

"What were you doing when Fos and I were looking at Lee's scars?" Molly asks.

"Trying to help. Apparently he didn't tell anyone but he has a little bit of nerve damage in his back. That's why I ran my fingers down his spine."

"How did he get it?"

"He said he was on a solo quest and got stabbed."

"If it hit his spinalcorad he could be in a lot of pain all the time."

"He said it was just enough nerve damage to feel like the wound is fresh again if theirs pressure on that spot. I barely touched it and he was in pain. Imagine if one of our enemies found out about it."

"Gods. That could be bad." She said then went to tell Fos about some of our conversation. I walk over to where the boys and Grace are talking and it's a heated debate. Lee and Nico v.s. Will, Grace and Jason.

"What are you all talking about?" I ask.

"Will wants Nico to stop even if he has every right not to." Lee tells me.

"Will, I learned the hard way. It's better to know then have the person you love almost die because you didn't want to know."

"How did you learn the hard way?" Grace asked me.

"Because Lee was in a really bad place one time and if we were only a few minutes later he'd be dead." I tell them sadly as I cuddle into Lee's side.

"It wouldn't have been a problem if he actually stopped though." Will said.

"Sometimes they're so far in they can't get out without the support of their friends, family and loved ones." I try to reassure them.

"How do you know that works?"

"Lee when was the last time you cut?" I ask Lee.

"Probably 2 weeks now." He says.

"Will, he used to cut at least once a day." I tell them. "Tell me that's not improvement?"

"We haven't even been down here for one week?" Jason more asks then says.

"It's December 29th." Lee tells them. "Time works different down here."

"How do you know?" Will asks.

"If you forget I can control time. Figuring it out isn't that hard." Lee tells them.

"So wait? Supporting this actually helps?" Will asks.

"If you don't want him to possibly die, then yes."

"I still don't believe you almost died." Grace tells Lee.

"Do you still have it?" I ask Lee. Lee looks at his arm then nods. It's hard to miss that scar. It doesn't matter when he got it, it always looks new. I grab his arm and look to emidietly find it. "Show them." I tell him. He shows his arm to all of them. I point to the exact scar. "That's the scar he got. Apollo won't let it fully heal. It's a constant reminder of that day." I tell them. Other than that one all the other scars look healed. I take both his arms and look at them. Nothing new. Lee puts a reassuring hand on Nico's shoulder and Nico takes off his jacket. He first just showed Lee, who gave him some words of encouragement. Lee knows how hard this part is. Especially for him. He didn't want to see anyone else sad because of what he did. Nico showed the rest of the group. He had some that hadn't healed completely yet but Lee just said to let him know if he needs someone to do it with. It can be like detoxing to stop so I guess Lee offer is some sort of AA group. Nico seems to like the idea and said he'll let him know. At least if one of them goes to deep the other can help.

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