Ruby McGregor

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I wonder where Lee and Peggy went. The doctors told us to go back to our rooms so Rose is talking to me. It's still hard adjusting to reading lips when you just heard people for 13 years. If I'm doing this right she's telling me that she's going to learn ASL. I'm really happy that I'll be able to talk to her again! She suddenly stops talking to look at the door. I turn around and see Lee. Of course I'm happy to see him but I can't talk to him. He walks in followed by 2 guards. He turns to them and tells them something. But he's also using sign language just a little bit different.

'You know ASL?' I asked him once he turns back to us.

'I know most forms of sign language.' He tells me. I can't help the smile that spreads across my face. I run over to him and hug him. He's at least a foot taller than me but he's also 5 years older. He's not really breathing, and his heart beat is slow. I pull away from him and he looks tired. This is my first time seeing him actually tired without him being awake for more than 72 hours straight. I could feel the bandages under his shirt.

'Lee, what happened?' I ask him then put my hand right over the bandages.

'Surgery yesterday' he tells me.

'You had surgery yesterday and you're already walking around?' I ask him.

'No one said I make good life choices.' He signs.

'But you're barely breathing?' I ask.

'Even with the surgery I'm still dieing. I'm going back home tomorrow though.'

'Do you live in New York?"

'I don't even live in America."

'Where do you live? Canada?'

'My family has a few places in Canada.'

'Where do you live then?'

'Mainly England but my family has houses in most countries.'

'You're family must have lots of money. Who are your parents?'

'Charles George and Camilla Bowels.'

'I'm sorry but I've never heard of them.'

'I'm willing to bet you have.'

'Do they go by something different?'

'Princess Camilla and prince Charles.' He tells me. He's the prince! I make to bow but he grabs my shoulders and keeps me up. 'Please don't.'

'But you're a prince?'

'I never liked that everyone feels the need to bow to my family.'

'But lots of people bow to the royal family?'

'Feel free to bow to the rest of my family but it's weird when my friends bow when they never have.'

'Sorry your highness.'

'Please don't. I'm still me. The same person whose been with you since you were a baby.'

'Speaking of that, how's your cancer? Are you having trouble breathing?'

'I'll have trouble until I die but I already knew that.'

'Lung cancer must be terrible. Not being able to breathe... I can't imagine that and I had brain cancer. Headaches are the worst part of that.'

'I know.'

'You have lung cancer, how do you know?'

'I have lung and brain cancer. I was diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer in London when I was 2, brought here when I was 3 because it got to stage 5, diagnosed with stage 3 lung cancer when I was 5 and it progressed so fast I didn't even get to 6 before it was to stage 5. By the time I was 7 I already had 7 brain surgeries, 3 surgeries for my lungs and heart and at least 9 to try and keep the cancers away from the rest of my organs. Trust me, I know what brain cancer's like. I know what most cancers are like.'

'Why didn't you tell me?'

'Because some people are smart. They published that I have brain cancer when I was still in London and I was trying to keep my secret. Only some of the people in my year knew, Solisse and Fos are family friends so they knew and my doctors knew.' He signs to me. '"I'll try to come back but I have to be somewhere right now."' He says out loud and signs. He leaves with the guards.

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