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How did Astrlee go this long. He should be dead. I teleport his friends out to the hallway and turn to my son who's trying to catch his breath.

"Why did you do that to yourself?" I ask him helping him up.

"You know why." He tells me as he walks over to his bed and sits down. "Why did you do it when I told you not to?"

"Because you're friends are right. You have to except help from time to time."

"And the consequences of you doing that could have been a lot worse."

"You looked like you were starting to get tired. How was I supposed to know how tired you were. I only took 5% and it exhausted me. You should have stopped sooner."

"I told you not to. I know what I can take and that for anyone else it would kill them. I've always been a freak and I know what happens." He tells me.

"You are not a freak." I tell him.

"I'm a 16 year old, child of primordials and titans, who can defeat the creator of the universe." He tells me. "I'm fine with being this way but I don't want people dieing because of me."

"You didn't seem concerned about Erebus or Chaos dieing."

"I wanted them to leave me alone but I wouldn't have killed them."


"I only kill monsters because I know they'll be back."

"And if they wouldn't?"

"I wouldn't give the final attack." He tells me.

"Why would you attack them in the first place. They all love you."

"They try to kill my friends and they deal with me." He says and his eyes glow slightly.

"You can just order them to stop."

"And let the gods know that you're my dad?"

"Never mind. That would be bad. You should get some rest. You have to do a public appearance tomorrow."

"And why am I doing that?"

"Because I told you that you are."

"Why is it needed?"

"I'm telling them something and all of us have to be there."

"Can't we just say I left again. I don't usually stay for long."

"They heard us earlier today. Put it on the new telepathic television."

"And who's bright idea was it to get that?" He asks with a hint of sarcasm.

"Orianose's." I tell him.

"Of course it was. Can't you control what they put on it?"

A new enemy (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now