Astrlee (lee) Luna

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When I wake up I see Solisse looking at me.

"Can I help you?" I ask her.

"Can I check your side again?"

"If you don't touch it."

"Fine." She agrees. I lift the side of my shirt to first show scars I've gotten on many different occasions, then the new, fresh scar. It's big, even compared to all the other scars. I can't bring myself to look her in the eyes. I know it's hard for her to look at all the scars and I don't want to see the fear in her eyes. I hear her inhale shakily when she sees it. I start to move the bottom of my shirt back down. She sits down and stops me from covering my side again. She puts her hand on my chin and turns my head so my eyes lock on hers.

"Let me try something?" She asks me.



"Then no."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't know what you're going to do." I move her hands away and put my shirt down. I start to get up and she just shoves me back down.

"Sit down." She tells me.


"Because I don't know what you're going to do." She tells me with a playful smile.

"I'm going to walk over and see what everyone else is doing." I once again move her hands but now I actually get up. But I sense something behind me that isn't Solisse. I stop walking away and turn back to face her. She's too close to the darkness beyond for me to feel comfortable leaving her.

"Are you coming?" I ask her. She just smiles and runs over. I put my arm over her shoulders and she put hers on my lower back, being careful not to touch my right side. We walk back to the campsite together. When we get there the only people up are Fos, Jason, Nico (who was on guard) and Will (whose been keeping Nico company). When Fos looks us in the eyes we just give him a small nod that he returns. When I look to Jason he gives an almost sympathetic look. I kinda feel guilty about tackling him. But now I feel like he knows something. He probably saw the scars on my arms, neck and face. When I look to the boyfriends I can see that Nico fell asleep leaning on Will, who also looks very tired. I pull away from Solisse and go over to them.

"You should go get some sleep before the others wake up." I tell Will. He gestures to the sleeping Nico. "I'll bring him into the tent." I offer. He nods and gets up. I grab Nico befor he falls onto the ground and carry him into the tent behind Will. I put Nico next to Will. Befor I knew it they were both sleeping peacefully. I leave the tent and sit down beside the twins.

"That was nice of you but you shouldn't be doing anything like that. It might affect your ingerie." Solisse tells me once I get back.

"Most of them still don't know and I don't want them to know."

"How's your ingerie healing?" Fos cuts in.

"I'm fine." I tell him but I know he doesn't believe me. Solisse must have told him...

"Why don't you show him?" Solisse asks.

"No." I tell them tilting my head towards Jason. They seem to understand and don't complain.

"Do you guys want to spare? I'm bored." Fos asks. Jason walks over to cut in.

"Can I spare too?" He asks.

"I think we'll sit this one out." Solisse tells him.

"To bad. I was hoping to do teams." Jason told us. Of course this got her attention. She turns to me with her puppy dog eyes.

"Please? Please! Please?!" She begs.


"Why not?"

"I don't want to hurt anyone... and you just told me not to carry Nico into a tent."

"You can use my sword?" Jason offers.

"That doesn't change anything." I tell him.

"You fight with a scythe. They're totally different weapons." He tells me. Solisse gives up with a sigh.

"He can instantly master any weapon." She tells him. Then she has that 'I have an idea' look. "How about we all team up against you?" She suggests. She won't let this go so this seems like the best option.

"Fine." I touch one of the gems on my ring and a sword appears in my hand. Solisse looks happy as everyone else gets their preferred weapons out. We separate and get into battle stances.

A new enemy (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora