Damian Smith

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"Lee!" Solisse yells from where she's practicing with the other cheerleaders in gym. I turn around to see him standing by the doors to the gym. She walks over to him as does coach Joe. "Finally let you come back?"

"Not really. They're too strict." He tells her.

"Lee! I missed my star student!" Coach yells.

"Thanks." Lee tells him.

"So when can you actually be back in my class and on my teams? I got the Email from your doctors but they didn't specify." Coach asks him. Doctor? Is he hurt?

"I don't know." Lee tells him then turns to Solisse. "Did they tell you anything?"

"It depends on what happens." She explains.

"Ok. For now you can just sit on the bleachers and catch up on some of your work." Coach tells him.

"Thanks." Lee tells him. Solisse sits with him all gym class. After class the whole football team catches up to them.



"You didn't die!' Are some of the things we shout at him. Once everyone calms down I speak up.

"Are you hurt?" I ask him.

"Yeah." He admits.

"Is that where you've been?" Christian  asks him. "In a hospital?"

"For the past 2 weeks my doctors wouldn't let me leave."

"Doctors? As in plural?" David asks him. "And you left for months, came back for a day, then left for another month."

"Yes plural. He's an idiot and got hurt again." Solisse tells him more than us. "He didn't even wake up for 2 weeks and he has amnesia."

"Do you remember who we are then?" Christian asks him.

"Not really. I know we all played football together but not much else." He says sheepishly.

"That's ok. Do you remember our names?" I ask him.

"No, sorry." He tells us so we all reintroduce ourselves. "Thanks."

"We should get you back to the hospital." Solisse tells Lee.

"Back to the hospital?" I ask her.

"Yeah. I haven't exactly been released yet." Lee tells us.

"Then how are you here?" William asks.

"I still need to get an education and they can't keep me from school forever." He tells us all.

"Lee we really should get going. You've made your doctors mad enough." Solisse tells him.

"Yeah. I know." He says and walks away with her. I'll probably visit him tonight.


After dinner I pick up Christian, William and David. I drive us all to the hospital. Christian walks right up to the reception desk. They probably know him pretty well. His full name is Christian Genovese, as in the Genovese crime family. After he talks to the nurse for a few minutes he waves us over. We walk through the Hospital for such a distance that the first area we were in was busy, in the middle of our journey there was no one else where we were then it started to pick up again until you couldn't even walk without at least brushing shoulders with someone. She leads us to a subsection in this section.

"This area is for very ingered and sick people. You have to be quite considering the hour." The nurse tells us then opens the door. She hands us off to another nurse.

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