Molly Night

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Why? What? When? Who? Did Lee just have a family conversation with Tartarus? He sits on the bed and laughs a little at our confusion. But now I'm more concerned. When his head tilted back a little bit it revealed a cut across his neck that's still healing by the look of it. I don't think Solisse saw it so I won't mention it.

"Explain. Why did you call him 'dad'?" Solisse asks her boyfriend.

"Tartarus is actually nice. So is Gaia. I've been down here a lot. I got hurt one time and Tartarus found me." Is all he tells us.

"But he tortured you?!" She yells at him.

"He needs to keep the others trust. It's not uncommon for him to do it. He has to keep looking like the all powerful primordial of the pit." Lee tells us like it's nothing.

"But He doesn't do anything when the others are torturing you!" Solisse tries.

"Actually, earlier the titans would have kept going if Tartarus didn't stop them." Lee tells us getting up and grabbing a red shirt that matches his eyes. He puts the shirt on and goes back to the bed.

"So where are we in the palace?" I cut in before she can yell at him again.

"My room." Lee says with a shrug. "My dad grounded me."

"Your room?" Solisse asks.

"Tartarus put it aside for me."

"He grounded you?" I ask.

"He put a magical barrier up so none of us can leave and no one can come in without permission. And he told me I couldn't leave. So yeah, he grounded me." Lee explains.

"That's some serious parenting." I joke.

"A little extreme if you ask me." Solisse joins in.

"Figures I get an overprotective parent." Lee joins us. We joke around for a few minutes. There's a knock on the door and we go silent.

"Astrlee, I know you're in there." A female voice comes from outside the door. Lee looks relieved so I figure it not a monster.

"You can come in mom!" He yells back. Not 19 seconds later a woman is in the room fussing over him. She has dark brown hair, pale skin and almost black, forest green eyes. When I look at Lee I see the same color on the edge of the black. How did I never noticed that before? "I'm fine." He trys to reassure her.

"Tartarus told me what happened. You are most definitely not fine." She scolds him but then hugs him. "You need to be more careful."

"I'll try." He tells her. She pulls away and turns to Solisse and I.

"Who are you and why are you here?" She questions us.

"Mom, they're some friends from Olympus." Lee tells her. She opens her mouth to speak again but Lee cuts her off. "They're daughters of Nix, don't worry." She just nods and turns back to Lee.

"Why are you back?" She asks him.

"Quest. Dad stabbed me, knocked them out and brought us here." He explains.

"He what?!"

"We're all here and alive. Let's try and keep it that way." He calms her down.

"That father of yours is going to get it someday."

"I know mom." Lee says.

"How have you been?" She asks.

"Same as always." He replies. She turns to us again.

"So, daughters of Nix, what are your names?" She asks us.

"I'm Molly."


"Gaia, nice to meet you." She says. This person is too nice to be Gaia. The demigods told us about Gaia. Gaia's mean, selfish and evil. This woman is a caring, loving, mother.

"Nice to meet you as well." I reply.

"Not what you were expecting?" Gaia asks us.

"Not really." Solisse admits. She just smiles at the statement.

"I'm only that way with the gods." She tells us with a motherly smile. "Speaking of, I have some business to attend to."

"Don't hurt them." Lee tells her, standing up. He towers over everyone else in the room.

"They killed me. I should at least be allowed to inflict some pain."

"The only ones that really harmed you in any way were Hazel, Leo, Jason and Piper." His eyes started to glow dimly as he tells her.

"But the other's helped them. Perseus and Annabeth have been a thorn in the side of all your family." She retorts back to him.

"But the other's have done nothing." Now it's obvious that he's frustrated.

"The child of Mars freed Thanatos."

"And what do you have against Nico?" Lee asks. She knows she's defeated.

"Fine, the little one will be spared." She says and he starts to calm down.

"And Magnus?"

"I can not do anything to him." She admits.


"I get it. Only the 7 of the prophecy."

"Hazel was just protecting her mother."

"The youngest will be spared."

"Piper talked to you."

"She used charmspeek."

"That doesn't work on us."


"Leo died."

"Spared. But Jason Grace, Annabeth Chase and Perseus Jackson will be mine."

"At least go easy on them?"

"Yes, yes." She says then leaves before he can give more reason to spare them.

"That was impressive." I tell him.

"They don't deserve what she's going to do." He admits sitting back down.

"We know they don't but at least you got most of them out of it and got her to go easy." Solisse tells him.

"It doesn't matter." He says softly. "It's still horrible."

"How do you know?" I ask him.

"Experience." Is all he tells us. We decided not to push this forward. Befor anyone could talk again Nico is shoved into the room. Nico's still glaring at the door, even though it's closed.

"Hey Neeks!" Solisse snaps him out of it so he's looking around the dark room now. He looks really confused.

"Who brought you here?" Lee asks him.

"Tartarus. Where are we?" Nico says.

"My room." Lee tells him. He looks really confused and now I know why Lee was laughing at us.

"What? I don't think I heard you properly."

"Tartarus put a room aside for me a few years ago. He's not actually that bad. Just made a reputation for himself that he can't shake."

"Ok." Nico says. He's surprisingly ok with this information.

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