Maria adamantium

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After Fos falls on the floor I look to see Astrlee's no longer here. What just happened?

"His eyes." Solisse seems lost in thought.  "They were black."

"We need to find him." I tell her. If his eye color changed then it could be really bad.


When we go past Tartarus' study we can here him talking to someone.

"Just, explain what happened again." Tartarus tells who ever he's talking to.

"I almost killed him. I told you I don't have control when I'm like that."

"But you weren't using that side of you. How did you even get to it?"

"I'm too tired to keep fighting it off. Especially after I used it to fight Chaos and Erebus." Astrlee!

"I can only think of one thing to help but you won't like it."


"You have to unlock all your forms."

"Won't that just make it harder?"

"No. You only have 3 more. Luckily you've already unlocked 7."

"2 of which I'll never use." You can hear the scowl in Astrlee's voice.

"Astrlee, they'll be helpful eventually."

"Just tell me what the other 3 are."

"First you have to use your actual royal form."


"You have to eventually." One of the Royals in the room sighs in annoyance. Their's a long silence. "Good. You'll need it in a few years on your 22nd birthday."


"Hunter, you have to unlock the wolf."  Their's another silence. "You're doing well, Hunter.

"It's been years since someone called me that."

"You deserve to be called by your real name from time to time."

"I keep forgetting that's my actual name. I'm still mad at him."

"You made that very clear at the festival."

"That reminds me. Have you seen Amy?"

"I can't say anything about Amazon."

"What's happening? You two are planning something."



"Hunter, you'll see tomorrow."

"You didn't."

"I didn't. She knows you're here. You know you can't argue with her. She said this will be the first time you two can actually act like yourselves together in a few years."

"Olympus isn't exactly a good place to show we're related when she's pretending to be Zuse's daughter."

"Well then tomorrow will be eventful."

"Wait, does she know?"

"Not yet."

"Just great. What age is she showing up like?"

"Her actual age."

"Ok. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Hunter." Tartarus says. The study is now quiet except for the scratching of someone writing. I decide it's getting late and that I should head to bed as well. But I should go check on Fos first. We did leave him with Jacob. I run to Astrlee's Study to see Solisse and Fos on one of the couches. They look at me as soon as I came in.

"Did you find him?" Solisse asks.

"Not exactly but I found out that when his eyes are black he doesn't have control. It's like someone posses him."

"That explains a lot." Solisse says relieved.

"I can't be mad at him if it wasn't his fault." Fos tells us witch makes me laugh.

A new enemy (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora