multiple POVs

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Emma POV

Everyone who's staying in the castle, minus the royal family, is brought to a balcony that looks over the crowd and to the balcony the royals always come on. Their are so many people in the square I can't believe I used to squeeze my way into them all. I look forward to the other balcony when the crowd looks up. The queen comes out with the princess. Then the king comes out and finally the prince comes out using his crutches. Everyone stares at the prince with a mix of happiness and shock. All the girls in the audience are crying.

"We would like to thank everyone who supported our friends and family during these past few days. We would also like to thank the healers for helping Astrlee after that terrible night. We are happy to say that Astrlee has been doing much better and that our family is forever grateful to you." Tartarus tells everyone. Someone goes up to him and whispers something. "The doors to the castle will be open in 20 minutes." Then they leave. A few guards come and I follow the one that's going to the training room.

Maria POV

I follow the guard that's going to the throne room. Befor we go in we're descized as guards. When we do the guard change Astrlee knows that it's me and I can see the faintest smirk as he watches me. When I get to the spot I was assigned I stop and look at my cousin and some of his family. Kori's on the far left wearing a dress and flats, Gaia's sitting between Kori and her husband. Tartarus is sitting on the biggest throne to the right of his wife, Astrlee's on the far right, his crutches leaned against his throne. The doors open and any hint of emotion on Astrlee's face leaves. The court marshal enters and bows to the royal family then takes his post by the door.

"Marco Vavie, representative to the Vavie." He says clearly as a young man walks in. The man walks up to
the royal family and bows.

"What have you come with today?" Tartarus asks.

"I have come with a query."

"Asks." Tartarus tells him.

"What happened during the festival? All anyone heard was that the prince is ingered." Marco says. Realization crossed Tartarus' face and he look at Astrlee.

"Kronos attacked the festival." Tartarus tells him after getting nothing from his son. Marco Vavie left and more people came. The question were almost always the same as Marco's. About an hour later Tartarus told everyone to leave seeing as this was just another form of torture for Astrlee. Once everyone else is gone Tartarus turns to Astrlee who's standing with the help of the crunches.

"Are you ok?" Tartarus asks with concern.

"No." Astrlee says then he's gone. Tartarus stares at the spot Astrlee stood not 10 seconds ago. He looks over to Gaia who's crying again. After a few minutes she stops crying and looks to me.

"Maria, go find him." She says then I run off.

He's not in the castle anywhere so I decide  to check outside. I have a good feeling he's out here somewhere. I run into the garden and run around. I hear voices and find Astrlee talking with Solisse. I decide that it might be ok if I leave them be. At least he's not alone. Then I noticed that he has his ring. Don't Kronos and krios still have it. I decide that I should actually get him and walk over to them.

"Hi Astrlee, Solisse."

"Hey." Astrlee says obviously happier than he was in the throne room.

"Hi Maria." Solisse says.

"I'm really sorry but Gaia sent me to get Astrlee." I tell them. They ignore me and Solisse turns to Astrlee again but this time with pleading eyes.

"I can't. You can go but my parents would go ballistic if I dissapeared so soon after everything." He tells her.

"But you got rid of kronos and krios. Everyone thinks that the other guy left too." She says with a pleading voice.

"Solisse. Go back. I'll be fine here." He tells her.

"But you know this place better than anyone and you can protect the demigods." Solisse trys.

"If you've forgotten. I'm not much help to anyone right now. The demigods can't stay here for much longer. The only place they can even breathe is in the palace." He tells her.

"I'm not going until you go. We can all stay for a few weeks." She caves. "The demigods can explore the castle more."

Piper POV

This is so cool. Lee's parents are actually really nice, except for Erebus. But I'm still mad at Lee for not telling us, not helping us and having it so that we can't yell at him without feeling guilty. I'm walking through the halls with Jason when we hear voices and the sound of Lee's crutches. We turn around to see Solisse, Maria and Lee coming down to hall behind us. Just before we said anything Maria  takes Lee's crutches and starts running away. Lee just moves his hand slightly and she stops. He moves his hand again and she walks back to them and gives him back the crunches. She blinks twice and glares at Lee.

"You didn't." She says threateningly. He just smirks at her and disappears. "You are so dead Astrlee!" She shouts.

"You're losing your touch." Lee's voice came from behind me. She runs at him and he disappears again. "You wouldn't actually hurt me. What would you do with out me?" He says from beside Solisse. She hangs her head in defeat.

"I don't know what I'd do without you. I'd never escape my mom again." She admits.

"Hi Piper, Jason." Solisse says to us. "Sorry you had to witness the cousins."

"What just happened? How did Lee do all that?" I ask them. Lee looks a little sheepish and Maria laughs.

"You didn't tell them?" She asks between laughs then turns to us suddenly quite serious. "Astrlee's the most powerful being to exist. Most powerful prince ever. He fought Chaos 2 days in a row and won." She explains. Jason looks like a fish out of water and I probably look the same.

"You're a really good actor." Jason tells him.

"I don't act. I have complet control of my powers. I can even take some of my own power away then give it back." Lee tells us. Wow, he's super powerful. Then a familiar face came into view followed by its exact replica.

"Stole's?!" Jason yelled in surprise. They do a lot of complicated hand jesters at Lee who does a few of his own in return all the while keeping himself held up by the crunches.

"More people they lied to. Just great." He mumbled then turns his attention back to us. "Apparently my brothers have been telling everyone that they're:
1. Sons of Hermes
2. Total troublemakers
3. Not actually twins. Befor you ask they're 18." Lee tells us.

"Brothers?" I ask him.

"There dad's Eros. Why do you think they pick on Aphrodite kids so much." Lee tells us.

"Why aren't they talking? By now they would have made a plan to prank us." Jason asks.

"They're deft. They use sign language. But they use moral technology to hear when they're with you all." He explains to us.

"Why aren't they using the technology then?" I ask Lee.

"No technology here. Doesn't work so we use our powers for everything." Lee explains.

"So then what did you do to Maria?" Jason asks him.

"I just needed the crunches back. Can't exactly walk right now." He trys to dodge the question.

"It looked like you used charm speak on her, but you didn't say anything." I tell them.

"Yeah, it's kinda like charm speak but way more advanced." He tells us.

"What do you mean by advanced?" I ask him.

"Stronger, don't need to let other's know what you're doing, better control. You know, advanced." He tells us. That's super useful but if anyone else could do that I'd be terrified. Imagine if Drew could do that.

"So where are you guys going?" Jason asks. Lee cursed under his breath and Maria looked scared. Maria looks to Lee with a pleading expression.

"If I use my powers again she's going to kill me." He tells her.

"She's going to kill both of us in a few minutes if we walk there." Maria almost yells at him. "And she can't kill you."

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