Astrlee (lee) Luna

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We packed up camp and now we're walking again. I'm happy Nico's getting the support he needs and that he never got as bad as I was.

"How are you doing?" Solisse asks me.

"Don't worry about me."

"Like you said, we were talking to the ghost of your dead brother. You have to be feeling something."

"I guess that I'm sad but not about Fin. I'm sad because it took my story to get Will to support Nico. Nico needs the support before he gets to the level I was at." I confess.

"Lee, we never talked about it but you almost died that day. If you had died the world we know would be destroyed." She's almost in tears and seeing her sad about anything, especially this, hurts more than any scar. I stop her and turn her to face me.

"Look at me." She looks up and we lock eyes. "I'm here. I'm finally happy again and I would be any of those if it weren't for you. I did that to myself. It's my fault and something you shouldn't worry about."

"But I do worry about you. Lee, you're an amazing person who shouldn't have to be alone." We walk for another hour just enjoying the silence. About one and a half hours later I sense something behind us. It gets really close and I know who it is.

"Run." Is all I manage to tell Solisse as someone stabs me in the shoulder and the world goes black.


"Lee? Lee!" I hear Solisse yell after waking up. I open my eyes to see that I'm in a room with Jason, percy, Annabeth, Nico, Molly, and Solisse who are all chained to the wall. I emidietly become more alert. I'm ingered but everyone else seems to be fine, for now. I sense the same person (is he a person?) Just down the hall that leads to the room.

"Where are we?" Annabeth asks.

"Tartarus' palace. You should all be ok. The only person he as a bone to pick with is me."

"Why is he only after you?" Percy asked.

"You'll see." Just then Tartarus comes in.

"Sorry I had to stab you, son." He told me. Everyone gasps and starts mumbling between themselves.

"Let them go. You only want me." I say back to him. It's true, I've been here before and I'm used to what he does. The others shouldn't have to see. He won't touch them but even watching is terrible. Solisse shouldn't be here. She won't be able to understand.

"You care for those three and my wife wants the others." He says gesturing to Solisse, Molly and Nico then Annabeth Percy and Jason. "You have some other family here to see you this time though. Then Kronos and krios decide to join us.

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