Christian Genovese

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"Lee?" Solisse asks as she taps Lee's shoulder. He's almost instantly awake and sitting up. "Are you ok?" She asks him.

"I'm just tired." He tells her.

"How are you feeling? You had some kimo earlier." She tells him.

"It's not the first time I've done kimo radiation therapy." He reminds her. He suddenly closes his eyes tight and pain shows on his face. Of course about 20 doctors come into the room right then. One of them runs right over to him when they see him. The moment of pain for Lee passes and he opens his eyes again. The doctor that came over to him is the doctor that came to talk to us earlier. She grabs Lee's hand.

"Lee? What happened?" She asks him. It really obvious that she's taken over the role of his mom. To be honest I've never actually seen his parents.

"Miranda, it's just a headache." Lee tells her.

"You better be telling the truth Lee." She tells him but backs away anyway. As soon as the doctor steps back the others can see him. All the young doctors are either trying to guess what he's in for or, in the case of most of the female ones, starring at him.

"My guess is he's a football player, got tackled hard and is now a general, ortho or neuro patient." One of the guys closest to me tells his friend.

"Maybe he was just walking and got hit by a car." The friend suggests.

"Who's presenting?" Miranda asks the young doctors. One of them that's holding a binder and was gawking makes to open it but Miranda takes it from her and gives it to the doctor that said he's a football player. He opens it, reads it over once with a little bit of suprise in his expression.

"I'm sorry but I think doctor DeWolf grabbed the wrong chart." He says. Miranda takes the chart from him and reads it over.

"That's the right chart. Now read." She tells him and shoves the chart back to him.

"Astrlee Luna Windsor, seventeen, stage five lung and brain cancer. Diagnosed at age 2. Sixty three surgery's later he's restarted kimo radiation therapy today for the 10th time. Came in for his monthly check with cuts and burns." He tells everyone. Most people in the room look surprised.

"What did you do this time?" Miranda asks obviously disappointed and concerned.

"I didn't do anything... this time." Lee tells her.

"Where do your parents think you are?" She asks.

"They know I'm in America." He tells her with a sudden British accent.

"You're British?" I ask him surprised.

"Yeah. But I came to America when I was 3 for treatment. My parents went back but I stayed." He says not bothering to hide his accent anymore.

"Lee, because you restarted kimo we'll have to do scans at least twice a day and targeted radiation at the worst part. We'll bring you down to the neuro wing in a few minutes." The name on this doctor's coat says dr. Elkin. Another doctor steps forward. The name on this new doctors coat is Dr. McKenzie.

"Where is your oxygen?" Dr. McKenzie asks him.

"I already told you I'm not going to use it." He says hiding his accent again.

"Can you breathe?" Dr. McKenzie asks him.

"Obviously." Lee tells him annoyed.

"Easily? With no pain?" Dr. McKenzie asks him knowing he's right. Lee just looks down in defeat. His breathing is already slow and shallow. Dr. McKenzie sighs and walks over to Lee taking his stethoscope off his neck and gets it ready to use. Lee looks up when the doctor gets beside him. The doctor gives him an almost bagging look just for him to look down again. Dr. McKenzie seems to take this as an ok. The doctor pushes up his shirt to show all the bandages and puts the circular part of the stethoscope on Lee's back. Solisse grabs his hand and gives it a squeeze.

"I'm right here." She whispers to him just loud enough that I can hear.

"Ready?" Dr. McKenzie asks him. Lee nods once. "Ok. Breath in until it's too painful." Lee only breathes in for less than a second before wincing in pain. "Lee you should really use the oxygen." The doctor tells Lee then turns to the young doctors. "Go get his latest scans." A couple of them runs off. Dr. McKenzie gets the oxygen mask off the wall and walks back over to Lee.

"I'm not going to use it." Lee tells him.

"You'll need it soon. I'm just bringing it closer." Dr. McKenzie tells him.

"I'll die whether or not I use it." Lee says.

"But you'll live longer if you do use the oxygen." Miranda tells him.

"Miranda, I'm always tired and in pain. I just want to graduate high school. I can leave after that." Lee tells her with his accent again. "If I have to I'll leave before and finish my education back home."

"Well let's not think about this. Can we check your cuts and burns?" A surprisingly happy doctor asks Lee. Her coat says Dr. Robinson with little cartoon animal patches sewn on. Lee takes off his shirt and undoes the metal clip keeping the bandages in place. Solisse helps him unwrap the bandages. He's ripped with a 6 pack and all but has a few cuts that are still healing and so many scars. "You're healing nicely." The overly peppy doctor practically cheers. "I still don't think that one wasn't an attempt to kill you." She says pointing at a few cuts right over his heart that haven't healed yet. Solisse moves her hand to his back, up his spine and to the back of his neck.

"When did you get this one?" She asks him while running her hand back and forth on a scar that runs across the back of his neck. Her movements getting longer and longer.

"Same time I got the others." He tells her. When she runs her hand over it this time it goes onto the side of his neck but she doesn't stop there. Her hand runs around his neck so that he has to tilt his head back. The scar runs all the way around his neck.

"Lee, what happened?" Dr. Robinson demands suddenly a lot less peppy. "Someone did try to kill you, didn't they?"

"I don't even exactly know what happened." He tells her putting his shirt back on. The doctors that ran out come back and one hands a big folder to Dr. McKenzie. Dr. McKenzie opens it and gives some of the films inside to Dr. Elkin, Dr. Robinson and Miranda.

"Lee, lay down and put the oxygen on right now." Dr. McKenzie tells him while looking at the film's. "If you don't do what I just said we're putting you on a ventilator." He tells Lee when he sees Lee's not doing what he said. Lee yells in pain and everyone knows something's happening. His eyes are shut tightly and his expression is of pain. He had dropped his head on to his hands.

"This happened last time he was on kimo but it didn't happen this fast." Dr. Elkin says a little panicked. One of the young doctors sticks a needle in his arm and he goes limp. "It's his brain cancer. It doesn't respond well to regular kimo so his pressure is building." He tells the young doctors.

"What do we do?" Dr. DeWolf asks.

"Dr. Thompson, tell C.T. we're coming. If they say anything tell them it's Lee." Dr. Elkin says and the doctor that read the chart runs off. "Dr. DeWolf, push 4 of  _________ and 2 of ________." I didn't understand what he was saying but the female doctor prepares 2 needles.

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