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It doesn't take 4 hours to find someone. Just then I hear voices from down the hall and the sound of Astrlee's crutches. It's silent for a second then their's a knock on the door. I open it with rage at the teens for being late but as soon as I see Astrlee relying so much on the crunches just to stand my rage turns to worry.

"Sorry we're late mom." Astrlee says. I open the door more to let them in.

"Don't worry about it." I tell them. They look relieved but then super suspicious. Maria taps on her necklace and her sword appears in her hand. But what scared me more was the fact that Astrlee's eyes turned black for a few seconds. He gives Maria a nod. She gives him a look but puts the weapon away. She's still tense, ready to attack.

"I checked, it's Gaia." Astrlee tells her and she relaxes. It amazes me how much she trusts him. "Why did you want to talk to me?" He asks slightly concerned.

"I just wanted to let you know we're doing more audiences tonight."


"In an hour. We've just been called down for dinner."


"Karen Reed and her children Michelle and Michael Reed." A woman and two children enter the room. When they reach us they bow. Astrlee seems very interested in the children.

"What have you come with?" Tartarus asks.

"I wish to find someone to take my children. They are hyper and only speak titan. I don't know why. I only speak English to them." She says. Astrlee looks at Tartarus and they have a quick conversation.

"Did you know that your children are half titan?" Tartarus asks her. She looks confused.

"No, I didn't."

"We can take them. They're related to Astrlee anyway." She's stunned into silence. Astrlee starts speaking in titan to the kids. They look very happy and excited, even though Astrlee's only said one thing to them. Astrlee smiles at them and continues talking. When he finishes they asks something and he seems to agree. Both kids look very happy.

"Who's their father then? He told me his name was Cris." She asks.

"All hail the children of Oceanus." Astrlee says. The woman looks like she's going to faint. Astrlee doesn't talk to anyone out of the family, the only time he does talk to others is when we make him. The woman leaves the room not even thinking about the 2 kids she's leaving behind. Astrlee moves his hand slightly and Maria appears. The kids look at him with shock and admiration.

"Michelle and Michael this is another one of your cousins." He tells the kids then turns to Maria. "I can't leave. Can you take these kids to Jacob?"

"Why would I take kids to Jacob?" She asks him.

"They're siblings. But if you want to keep them for a bit you can."

"I'm not taking innocent, impressionable children to stay with Jacob. We don't need more of him. Ones bad enough." She's right.

"They only speak titan so you can take them to Nico, Molly, Fos and/or Solisse." He tells her. She says something to the kids who don't move and just look at Astrlee. He tells them something then they follow her out. Luckily Kori had to go to bed or she'd want to say something.

A new enemy (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt