Chapter Seventy-One

Start from the beginning

Dan paused for a moment, looking confused. "I'm trying really hard to wrap my jetlagged brain around what you just said, but. . ."

"Oh my god," I rolled my eyes and shook my head playfully. "I'm on a song! My voice is singing an entire part of a song that's being released as Nick Jonas's new single in September!"

"Nick Jonas? As in like, Jonas Brothers, Jonas?"

"Really, that's all you took from that?" I rolled my eyes once again, chuckling lightly. "Yes! Jonas Brothers Jonas! The youngest one with curly hair!"

"Woah! That's awesome El!" Dan finally seemed to process everything I had said, his eyes smiling as much as his mouth was as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly. "I'm so proud of you! Look at you being successful and shit!"

I grinned as Dan got more and more excited for me, and for a few seconds, I managed to forget about what was happening with Grace. All I could focus on were Dan's brown eyes, which were being hit by the morning sunlight coming through the window beside us. I was sure that if someone were to ask me my own name at that moment, I wouldn't have known the answer. I was so encapsulated by him, that nothing else in the world mattered. Only him, only his complete adoration and love for me. Only the way I would catch him staring at me in the middle of math class, only the times that he would wait for me when he had a free period and would carry my books for me the second I left the room. Only the way my body burns and tingles when his hand is resting on my arm, only the way it felt when his lips were on mine and my body fit perfectly into his without ever having to try. Nothing else. 

I'm pretty sure I love this boy, but does he love me?

Upon arriving back home, courtesy of Dan's parents who had so graciously offered at the airport when Demi had to rush off, I thanked the three of them for breakfast before walking up to the gate and punching in the code that would open it. I closed the gate behind me and pulled a key from my pocket before unlocking the door, allowing me to turn the handle which let me in. 

The house was quiet, and I didn't like it. When you have a four-year-old living at your house as well as an international popstar, quiet is never settling. Even at night, someone is bound to have left a TV on — this wasn't normal.

"I'm home," I called out, hearing my own voice echo back to me. "Is anyone home?"

As if it were a movie, suddenly someone popped out from thin air. Dallas. She had a solemn look on her face which didn't ease my evergrowing nerves, in fact, it made a distinct nauseating feeling brew in my stomach.

"El," Dallas began, placing a hand on my shoulder as she took the backpack I had taken with me off of my shoulders. "I think you should go up to Grace's room. I'll put your bag in your room — just go."

"Dallas, what the fuck is going on?"

"Ellie, just go, alright. Grace."

My heart pounded as my feet wouldn't take me up the stairs fast enough, each moment feeling like it was dragging on longer than the last. I was terrified as to what was waiting for me behind the door, what information I would learn when I clicked the door shut. As I approached said door, I knocked three times, waiting for a response.

"Come in."

That wasn't Grace's voice. That was Demi's.

Pushing the door open, I walked in and then shut the door quickly. Looking over to Grace's bed, I saw my best friend laying there numbly, Demi looking helpless as she ran her hand up and down the dark-haired girl's arm comfortingly.

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